Weekly Battle Challenge : Disintegrator
Hello guys welcome to my blog. This week's battle challenge theme is Disintegrator. Disintegrator monster card is available in starter card set to everyone for free of cost. It's a common card and at Level 1 it has Demoralize ability which reduces the Melee attack of all enemy Monsters. It goes up to level 10 and during levelling up it gets three more abilities : Trample (When a Monster with Trample hits and kills its target, it will perform another attack on the next Monster on the enemy Team), Knockout (Does double damage when attacking an enemy that is stunned) and Retaliate (When hit with a Melee attack, Monsters with Retaliate have a chance of attacking their attacker).
Lore of Disintegrator is as follows :
The crazed tinker, Morloth, created the Disintegrator within his lair in the Badlands. Assembling various parts of other creatures together, he spent an age designing and building his masterpiece. The only problem was bringing it to life. He tried taking the fierce lightning from the sky and filling the monstrous body with raw energy but that didn’t work and only damaged its limbs. He experimented with molten power from within the ground but that only burnt away its flesh and hide. It wasn’t until he had a visit from a cloaked agent of chaos and was gifted the answer to his problems that the engine burst into life.
The pair spoke for days and deals were made, adjusted, broken and presented again. Morloth grew frustrated with how long it was taking, all he wanted was to have more of the sickly, green crystals that the agent had placed within the heart of his creature, bringing it to life. Whether he eventually tired of the bartering and was worn down, or the taint of chaos itself had afflicted him, Morloth agreed to the terms laid out by his visitor. With a large sack of the chaos fuel and the promise of an endless supply in the future, all he had to do was keep his side of the bargain – persecute and destroy the people of Praetoria. He quickly produced more of the misshapen beasts and now, with his pets in tow, he terrorized Praetoria and all its inhabitants.
With the torso of a mountain gorilla, the hind quarters of a crocodile and the mouth of a leach, the Disintegrator is a mismatch of devastating qualities. Its strength is formidable, twisted strands of metal combined with great sinews of muscle. When the heavy forearms and tail strike its foe, it will pummel them into submission without mercy. If that fails to work then the monster’s evil jaws will latch onto its prey, numerous splayed fangs locking onto their body as it sucks the life from them. The obscene golem strikes terror into its foes wherever it goes and it has been known to continue to fight even after the yellow glow of life has left it eyes.
Anyways Let's get into the battle. Here's the line up :

Bottom one is me
Fire Summoners - Tarsa Vs Tarsa
Ruleset :
(Explained from left to right)

Spreading Fury - All Monsters have the Enrage (Increases Melee attack and Speed when damaged. Values are multiplied by 1.5 and rounded up.) ability.
Lost Magic - Monsters with Magic attack may not be used in battles.
Mana - 34
Splinters Allowed - Fire, Earth (leaf icon) and Death (Skull icon)
Thought process
As the ruleset favored melee and archery monsters I figured it is best to use Tarsa(Fire summoner) here. Enemy thought so as well, but I countered his summoner's buff by placing Disintegrator. This gave me an advantage over enemy.
Battle Gif -
Round 1

Round 2

Round 3

Round 4

Battle Link - 👉Click Here👈
Cards Used with explanations :

- Radiated Scorcher -
I used this card in first place as an soft tank to soak up a attack from enemy. This card only cost one mana and comes with 2 health. In the battle you saw it did soak up one hit and also managed to get a hit off.

- Grum Flameblade -
At second place is Grum Flameblade a legendary card. As the mana was high this seemed like a good opportunity to use him. He has two abilities at level 1 - Bloodlust (Every time it defeats an opponent, it gets +1 to all stats) and Magic Armor (Magic attacks hit this Monster's armor before its Health). Magic armor ability was not used in this battle. But Oh man Bloodlust coupled with Spreading fury ruleset worked out great in this match up.

- Radiated Brute -
At third place is Radiated brute, a common card with Reach (Melee attack Monsters with the Reach ability may attack from the second position on the team) ability. I knew that my soft tank would die early and this will move to the second place. Extra damage helped to get through enemy tank faster.

- Serpentine Spy -
At fourth position is Serpentine Spy also a common card. It has opportunity (Monsters with the Opportunity ability may attack from any position and will target the enemy Monster with the lowest health) ability at level 1. I used it because I wanted to
destroy low health enemy monsters early. It took an archer early tho it did died to enemy Serpentine spy.

- Scavo Hirelling-
At Fifth position is Scavo Hirelling, a Neutral and common card. It's ability is Repair (Restores some armor to the friendly Monster whose armor has taken the most damage). This ability is life saver in melee match up. As for positioning I used it here as I could not place it in last because it is vulnerable to sneak attacks. In the battle it managed to restore Grum's armor a few times.

- Disintegrator-
Last but not the least is The Disintegrator. It is a Neutral (Can be used with any splinter) and common card. In the melee match up like this one it's demoralize ability comes in very handy. I used it in last place to tank few hits from sneak attacks. In this battle it countered enemy fire splinter Tarsa's melee buff. It also took a hit from sneak attack.

Did your strategy work? What will you try differently next time?
Yep it did work out fine this time. Well that depends on ruleset.
Do you like the DISINTEGRATOR? Why or why not?
In conditions favoring Melee I like this card but other than at for me it's difficult to imagine using it in other circumstances.
Hope you like my post. Thank you.
@splinterlands - For the Splinterland game and Artwork
@carrieallen - For Markdown Tutorial
@rqr4 - For text dividers.
Spreading Fury - All Monsters have the Enrage (Increases Melee attack and Speed when damaged. Values are multiplied by 1.5 and rounded up.) ability.
Lost Magic - Monsters with Magic attack may not be used in battles.
Mana - 34
Splinters Allowed - Fire, Earth (leaf icon) and Death (Skull icon)

I used this card in first place as an soft tank to soak up a attack from enemy. This card only cost one mana and comes with 2 health. In the battle you saw it did soak up one hit and also managed to get a hit off.
At second place is Grum Flameblade a legendary card. As the mana was high this seemed like a good opportunity to use him. He has two abilities at level 1 - Bloodlust (Every time it defeats an opponent, it gets +1 to all stats) and Magic Armor (Magic attacks hit this Monster's armor before its Health). Magic armor ability was not used in this battle. But Oh man Bloodlust coupled with Spreading fury ruleset worked out great in this match up.
At third place is Radiated brute, a common card with Reach (Melee attack Monsters with the Reach ability may attack from the second position on the team) ability. I knew that my soft tank would die early and this will move to the second place. Extra damage helped to get through enemy tank faster.
At fourth position is Serpentine Spy also a common card. It has opportunity (Monsters with the Opportunity ability may attack from any position and will target the enemy Monster with the lowest health) ability at level 1. I used it because I wanted to
destroy low health enemy monsters early. It took an archer early tho it did died to enemy Serpentine spy.
At Fifth position is Scavo Hirelling, a Neutral and common card. It's ability is Repair (Restores some armor to the friendly Monster whose armor has taken the most damage). This ability is life saver in melee match up. As for positioning I used it here as I could not place it in last because it is vulnerable to sneak attacks. In the battle it managed to restore Grum's armor a few times.
Last but not the least is The Disintegrator. It is a Neutral (Can be used with any splinter) and common card. In the melee match up like this one it's demoralize ability comes in very handy. I used it in last place to tank few hits from sneak attacks. In this battle it countered enemy fire splinter Tarsa's melee buff. It also took a hit from sneak attack.

Yep it did work out fine this time. Well that depends on ruleset.
Do you like the DISINTEGRATOR? Why or why not?
In conditions favoring Melee I like this card but other than at for me it's difficult to imagine using it in other circumstances.
@splinterlands - For the Splinterland game and Artwork @carrieallen - For Markdown Tutorial @rqr4 - For text dividers.
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