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RE: Chaos Legion Set & Presale Info

in #splinterlands3 years ago

Based on my understanding, you will only need to have staked SPS to buy Chaos Legion packs if you are buying in the pre-sale.

So to buy 1 pack during the pre-sale, it will depend on how many voucher tokens you have earned which is based on the percentage of the SPS you have staked out of the total global staked SPS. 1 Voucher token = 1 Pack.

The question therefore should be, how much staked SPS do I need to earn 1 or more voucher tokens a day?


Yes ... but you can buy packs in second hand markets and that won't require any SPS. But with that said i'll be staking more SPS.

Agreed! Buying in pre-sale is probably the best value for money though. 10% discount when using SPS to buy plus the numerous benefits of buying in pre-sale is just too good a deal. :)

I wonder though if the vouchers won't skew the pre-sale packs for Megawhales who will have the upper hand buying up most of the packs early before everybody else earns 1 or more voucher tokens?

There are 1M packs and 1M vouchers, megawhales cannot buy without the vouchers so everybody can get some packs in the presale. 😄

Yes so basically: Nobody can buy a pack from your vouchers. Or: There will always be a pack for you if you have a voucher :D

follow what jarvie said :D
though I knew that too

As for now, it's 200 SPS for one voucher per 30 days.