It's really frustrating how in the crypto world has basic manners... Or another way to look at It. Complete lack of customer service skills In the low level positions. Like Offerwalls are a great example. Offertoro, and adgem have the best deals, and sites put up with whatever because of that. They literally treat anyone reaching out for help like a piece of dogshit. Not to mention, I've waited months on offers I've completed just to be told It's my fault or some nonsense, and they don't have to payout. The two I mentioned very notorious for this so be careful. The sites that work with them go along with It. Like E-toro ripped me off for 60, or 70 dollars. I reached out to them to find out what the real deal was when Offertoro after months told me to kick rocks. They blew me off, and I told them I'm going to tell the world that they are nothing but a bunch of thieves. I said this for a reason. Because I don't want the same thing to happen to others. A day later I got a cryptic message telling me to just wait, and how they were looking Into It. A few days later I got another telling me to please leave them out of It because they don't wanna cop up to It essentially. And that they are reviewing my case. Well I've waited weeks. E-toro charges large spreads, and basically already steal from their members. But I have proof that I completed everything they asked. Yet they decided to steal from a veteran that Is suffering and trying to pay ends meat. Chump change just to come up.
Oh than there are the devs They think they are so above everyone that is asking for the smallest bit of help. Especially the tron related ones for some reason. They all take after their corporate raider of a leader. Figure why not treat our customers like crap. It's messed up to say the least. Even the devs from splinter treated me like absolute garbage two nights ago because I asked them to change my username. So I could participate In peak monsters. The peak monsters devs were just as bad. They treated me like I was retarded. When there is a legit problem with their website.
Than there are the Kraken customer service. They always go above and beyond to help me with things that aren't there responsibility. It actually was Trons mess. Yet they spent hours helping me try to solve the situation. Tron wouldn't give me a minute of their time. These are low level employees that take out their problems on the people that are going to them for help. Those chat things where they say on sites that the will help right away. Just save yourself the grief. They don't do anything. They are under educated, morally deficient pieces of trash 99 percent of the time. Go as high up to the source as you can. Learning the crypto game I've been ripped off, and blamed for It like It was my fault. You never blame the customer. That's rule number one in sales
This Is why I'm glad that now the U.S caved they have to deal with Kraken as their first bank. They will fight for what's right. Where the U.S Is trying to save face, and grab any bit of power they can along the way. Because they are hurting. So steal from those that count dollars to get by. I never got a stimulus check. I qualified for sure. They make sure there Is no one to get a hold of to help with the problem. So screw the U.S dollar. I'm smiling Inside every time they lose people to the crypto world.
My new line of work Is Introducing people that don't understand, and are scared of crypto. So they don't get ripped off. I treat them with respect, and dignity. I get referral credit off like 20 different things In the process. Whatever they need to know I teach them. I teach them how to get their own referral's, and am straight up every cent I make off them. Which they are very happy to give me. I get offered more a lot. But I respectfully turn It down. I'm sick of getting cheated. I'm not gonna cheat them. I only recommend sites that I know are legit. Plus treat their customers well. That's sad because Splinterlands, and PeakMonsters I would tell them to stay away from. For good reason. If you can't hire, and teach a staff to treat customers right, why in the hell do deserve their business. But cheap labor right. No It actually costs you hundreds of thousands of dollars at least. Like E-toro. After reading this article. I will provide the proof to anyone to keep them from making a terrible investment. Would you feel good about recommending someone you care about their. Or put money In yourself which trust me they will do everything they can to keep their grimy hands on It.
Oops wrong post ! Sorry abou taht!