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RE: Splinterlands Ranked Battle Overhaul

in #splinterlands11 months ago

TLDR: These are not good changes for the game.

Keep the ELO and don’t build a game, as the own devs of Splinterlands put it, “which have a significant luck component”. Who wants to play a “competitive game” with a “significant” amount of luck? The point is to build a skilled game that attracts players who take the time to learn and develop their skills. Not to lose or win on luck. That is either frustrating or not satisfying. Especially when you’re asking people to “invest” in a game. You don’t invest in luck. If you do, buy lotto tickets. You might get lucky.

If that’s how Splinterlands want to be seen, as a luck game, then fine. Go a head with the changes and keep building a bad game a losing support of the players but if you want to be taken seriously. REDUCE THE AMOUNT OF LUCK IN THE GAME.

If these changes go into effect I’m definitely take a break from the game or just play the min each day. It is going to severely impact the quality. It would be beneficial to play less. You’ll probably have a higher win percentage as you won’t be as high up on the ladder. Which is counter intuitive to get people to buy energy. Logically you’ll see more people playing the minimum 24 games a day to avoid getting too far up the ladder and running into stiffer competition.

Here is an example of 24 games a day in a 14 day season. That’s 336 games. Let’s assume you win 2/3 of your games and no streak bonuses. That nets you +112 wins at +2240 rating. You’re going to fly up to gold and champion in 2 seasons at that rate. Most people aren’t invested that much to have their cards lvled up for that tier. That means you’re probably really going to see a closer 50-55% win rate. Thats ~185 wins to ~151 loses; netting ~34 wins a season and ~+680. That will put you right around where you need to stay put in your league after resets. Playing more games at the same win percentage would raise your level causing you to get hit with stiffer competition and most likely lose more games. Which would make buying more energy pointless. Who wants to buy energy and then see it wasted on losses that came because of bad luck 50% of the time? That instantly doubles the cost of my energy as buying 10 energy really only nets me 5 wins and isn’t worth it. So not only is this change bad for players it is also bad for business.

Bad, half baked, ideas once again.


Who the hell is buying energy at those prices anyway? It costs way more than anyone earns in SPS per battle, and chests are mostly full of worthless stuff. Energy is literally about 100x more expensive than it should be. I mean sure if people love the game so much that they are happy spending $5 a day to play like 30 extra battles in gold one without getting more than about 10% of that back, then they can do that. Alternatively the team could finally sort the damn bot problem out. Do they think we're all suckers who will keep buying thousands of dollars worth of cards every year to ensure we can be competitive in modern, when we all know that as soon as each set gets rotated out of modern, the card values will get destroyed and we'll all be racing to the bottom to get them off our hands? Someone needs to make a fork of this game without all the scammy BS because it's a great game.

I couldn't agree more. There is no point to buy extra energy at that rate which is counter intuitive to what you would want as a developer. You're actively penalizing people for play more. They even jack up the energy costs 50% after each time you buy 25. It's dumb and yes someone needs to fork this game and actually do good by it!