This original article by @Theyachtclub was translated from French to English with their permission. Thank you to them!
You can find the original article here
Hello Splinterlands player! You are looking to identify the strongest cards of an element, according to your league? This is the right place! Here you'll find one of our many tier lists, with explanations for each of the cards; justifying their placement and why we value one card over another!
It is important to clarify several things before getting down to business!
- This list is totally subjective, and is not based on any specific statistics that would justify the ranking. Of course we try to make lists as relevant as possible so that everyone can identify the key cards for each element.
- This list is not intended as advice in investment!!! The idea here is to evaluate the cards against each other, in order to identify the "strongest" cards to play.
- This list is in no way a strategy guide. Aligning all the cards indicated as S or A in each fight will not make you win! However, considering the strongest cards more frequently could improve your results.
- This list does not take into account the rules!!! Remember that each fight is different, that each opponent too! The most rule-sensitive cards are "S or B" category, indicating that they are situationally strong or quite mediocre!
First of all, the holy grail! THE Neutral/Dragon list, with the cards at the maximum playable level in the Silver league: https://tiermaker.com/list/random/splinterlands-chaos-legion-and-rewards-max-silver-15116028/2205020

Now, let's take a closer look at each of the cards to better understand our choices!
S tier cards: Owning them will often be a good thing, and consider playing them too!

A seemingly innocuous card, but one that will act as a tank in many scenarios. Its cost and HP at this level is excellent, and its ability to dodge many melee and ranged attacks makes the card much stronger than at first.

Despite its high cost and average stats, this card will find its place in many compositions, thanks to its speed contribution to the team, playable with all elements, which is its great strength! Be careful not to play it all the time due to its high cost.

A neutral card, which has 3 magic damage, for only 6 mana, with 6 honorable HP. An excellent card that will do some damage with money, ideal to place in your teams that already have another source of magic damage.

The Dragon tank in silver! A consequent number of basic HP making her solid against magic, 6 points of armor allowing her to often take 2-3 physical attacks, to which we add the Thorns, destructive at this level! Her 3 melee damage will also make her a valuable source of damage.

Not very attractive at first glance, the void dragon is in fact an excellent tank in all situations! 8 HP for 5 mana, able to dodge many physical attacks thanks to its speed as well as its "fly" ability, it is also able to absorb magic thanks to "Void". A monster to play in 1-2-3 position!

THE most expensive card in mana. Nevertheless, we have here a big tank, able to be played in any position thanks to its magic damage, dodging physical attacks thanks to "fly" and having "explosion"! Its random fire can sometimes play tricks on you, but it will often be a strength rather than a weakness thanks to "explosion".

Despite its high cost, the titan carnage proves to be an excellent second line tank (always play it in 2nd position). Its strength lies in its ability to inflict 2x3 melee damage, allowing it to destroy remaining armor or a divine shield, or not waste a single attack on a weak target!
S or B tier cards: Situational cards, sometimes useless, sometimes saving!

Let's say it, at this level, this card is not often S tier. Nevertheless, you will have here a neutral card inflicting poison which allows to reduce tanks HP in small fire, but also "infect" which can save games against an opponent who likes to play heal a bit too much! To be played in position 5-6 most of the time.
A neutral all-purpose tank! Its cost is high, but it will have the merit of fully absorbing all types of damage, and can compensate for a lack of monsters capable of absorbing magic in certain elements. Be careful not to play it when the poison rule applies, its low number of HP makes it vulnerable.
A tier cards: Good cards that should be considered quite often!

A fairly expensive card for its stats, but will prove effective against melee compositions, reducing the attack of all opposing monsters! Trampling here will be of limited interest as this card should not be played in first position to take advantage of the "weakening" a minimum, and its 2 damage is low. Ideal when your monsters will all have "sneak" or "opportunist".

A good neutral tank, therefore playable frequently. It will not be played for its damage, but for its ability to hold on thanks to its HP. It must be played with the poison rule, in 3-5 position, so that it can last a long time.

A good 6th position card only! Its high speed coupled with "backfire" sometimes allows you to avoid several attacks from opposing monsters having "sneak" while returning damage! Its low cost makes it versatile and easily playable when max mana is low.

The replacement for titan carnage when max mana is lower! A decent second line tank (still in 2nd place) with decent stats. The small armor point will save more than one of your games!

A low cost for a neutral card, with honorable stats! The real strength of the card here is that it can be paired with another elementalmonster that can also "sneak", being able to destroy opposing backlines as a duo!
B tier cards: If not unplayable, these cards should be considered as a last resort the majority of the time

If the map looks okay at first, but the observation is almost always the same, you will have a better (usually stronger) option, making the map very poor.

Purely utility card. It may serve you occasionally (for example with the legionary Alvar), but one slot out of 6 dedicated to this card is too high a cost and not very effective in winning.
Its abilities don't manage to compensate for its weak damage. Even if "Dissipate" or "Amplify" could be effective, the card will only be played far too rarely in the end at this level without having specific cards to go with it (Lord Aranthius for example).

Too little damage, quite slow, a ranged unit so not very versatile, you will usually almost always have a better option!

Its VPs are way too low compared to its cost! On a special rule, the card can be considered, but other than that, pass!

A cost far too high for its damage, which is on top of that on a random target making any strategy futile. A "distance" card therefore not very versatile, Almost unplayable, except with Yodin Zaku who will compensate this randomness by "explosion".

Too slow, no armor, no damage... "Triage" will be able to heal on occasion, but it's absolutely not enough to justify using one slot out of 6 for this card. "Dispel" is too little use at this level to increase the value of the card

Can be the least bad of the B tier cards! Can be considered when melee only is accepted, and wreak havoc! But this dragon suffers in comparison to the Djinn Chwalah, which will tend to be preferred for its ability to take almost double damage and inflicting damage with "Thorns".

Only attack on even-numbered turns, one stun and the card is useless, one point of armor and the damage is all wasted... As it stands, this card is almost unplayable and you will ALWAYS have a better option.
Clarifications and discussions!
It is useful to specify that to play all these cards, it is advisable to have summoners at the right level! Do not buy all the dragon cards without having a dragon summoner able to use them! On the other hand, the neutral cards can be played with all summoners, which makes them particularly practical!
You can find our abilities guide (in French), with advanced strategy tips, to better understand also our choices! Explanations on the dodge system (In French) may also provide you with valuable information!
It is also worth mentioning that these cards and this list apply if you are playing in a Gold league, but with Silver level cards. Always keep in mind that you have to consider the power of your cards in relation to the level of the cards in your possession, and not in relation to the league you are playing in (and therefore to your opponents) !
This is the first list of all playable items! The other elements will follow very soon, as well as the lists for the Gold level!
Feel free to join us on our discord! To discuss this list, enrich the debate that will improve this list over time! You can also do the same on our Twitter!
Amiral Dnxdieu to serve you !