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RE: SPS Governance Proposal - Adjust Rewards Based on Card Level

in #splinterlands2 years ago

this does nothing to address a more serious issue: the inability to play your way to a higher level card ownership
It's my contention that players who don't have 50 bucks a week to dump into video games are not going to be able to take advantage of this in any meaningful way and this will further consolidate the rewards into a smaller group of hands. Reward amounts should allow a player who has put in a game console worth of money into Splinterlands to be able to EARN the ability to level up their cards. Currently the value of rewards don't even come close to providing enough value for silver1/gold3 players to move up without spending more money. I have almost 2 years in this game and at least 400 dollars invested (likely more) on top of reinvesting every little bit I make back into the game. I bought packs, individual cards, flipped cards for profit, opened a second grind account that I now use to rent out cards that are not valuable enough to sell but are useless to me because they are outside the modern ruleset. I have a career record of 53.3% on my primary account. I play nearly every day with 18000+ battles total. I believe someone who has put that much into the game should have been able to earn enough to climb to the next rung of the ladder but I still can't even come close to competing in gold let alone beat any of the top 100 silver players. Perhaps this is because I am terrible at this game or perhaps it's because I can't afford to level up every card. But this proposal really creates more problems than it solves and punishes the small time human players.


I 100% agree to what you say and it reflects my own journey. I have roughly 30k in CP and I consistently finish around 2000 in rating and stay in Silver 1. I have also bought old packs, new packs, strategic cards (hello Sand worm) etc.

I don't play more than what makes sense from a ECR perspective since I am conscious about the time (there is an alternative cost...) but still probably rakes in 50-60 chests in the new system per season (Daily focus included). The Ranked Rewards change was a huge improvement for me; it made it so much more rewarding (pun intended) to play and get to open a lot of chests. But the thing is, even with this type of reward the actual USD equivalent value is not even close to being able to re-invest in better decks. I think I got like 40 SPS or something last season. That is not even enough to by ONE (1) Riftwatcher pack. If I constantly need to inject real US$ in order to keep "earning" (40 SPS is like 3 USD) I dilute the return on my investment (excluding my time which also has value). That is not Play-to-earn, that is a ponzi scheme.

I am very disappointed in these types of suggestions because it ultimately points to a centralized system, a Rentier society if you will, where the "Rich" owns the assets and the players can rent or are encouraged into "scholarships"; i.e. employed by the asset owners to work/battle. As always things in life are fractal; so what you see here is the same as countless other societies. There are haves and there are have-nots. I started my Splinterlands journey thinking that you could in honesty earn in-game currency which could be re-invested without the cynical approach that you should perpetually be required to invest real-world money over and over again. I have happily committed some 500-1000 USD (including Land) to this because I liked the vision. Now, not so much anymore.

Reward amounts should allow a player who has put in a game console worth of money into Splinterlands to be able to EARN the ability to level up their cards.

Some people have the equivalent of a late model used Honda or a new Hyundai invested and are still barely earning anything lol

and that's the problem- I don't want to earn a bunch of money but I do want the chance to earn my way up the ladder and that's not possible for anything less than buying in at the gold level and even then it's tough

my guild doesn't charge anything and they are relatively ok with donating when you can. We have 2 whales that have really pushed us up the ranks, but we all manage our own decks and coordinate delegations with in the team - it works for me I don't have a lot time for the social side of guild participation