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RE: The One Thing That Is Going Up In Splinterlands Are The Numbers Of Rental Operations!

in #splinterlands2 years ago (edited)

The servers couldn't keep up and therefore splinterlands was constantly behind on hive blocks.

Also there were tools that read the selected monsters from the opponent and recommended a lineup to counter it, which gave some people a totally unfair advantage.

People that knew about this exploit would wait until the last second to submit their battles in ranked and the last minutes in tournaments.


The servers couldn't keep up and therefore splinterlands was constantly behind on hive blocks.

So do you think it will be a problem if there are 10 games similar to splinterlands on Hive ?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Also there were tools that read the selected monsters from the opponent and recommended a lineup to counter it, which gave some people a totally unfair advantage.
People that knew about this exploit would wait until the last second to submit their battles in ranked and the last minutes in tournaments.

Yeah this makes sense .

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta