Hey Splintermates, how are you doing? Welcome back to another Splinterlands Social Media Challenge! We have been asked by the team to share a remarkeable moment within the game.
But before jumping in, I would like to encourage all Splinterlands players to participate and to increase the visibility of the game. In this way, we can speed up the process to get new players on board.
So if you would like to participate, please click on the following link to get more information.
My remarkable moment last week has been the amazing REWARDS I got due to advancing to Diamond 2 in Wild.
In principle, it doesn´t seem like there is an amazing reward. The most remarkable card would be the Epic Card in level 1 Arachne Weaver.
I personally consider that the most OP cards from the Rebellion Reward cards are the Epic ones. I prepared a post explaining how I would spend my Glint. Basically, I would buy Epic card chests. If you are interested, you can click on the following link
But if you have a deeper look at the amount of Merits, you will be able to count up to 3.784 Merits. Together with the Merits I owned, I was able to buy 2 Gladiator packs. And you can already imagine what is coming.
The first Gladiator pack included a regular foil legendary Xulax Nightwind. It was the first BCX I got, so I was specially happy for this reward. This is a very powerful card at level 1 with Bloodlust and Void Armor, specially if you can combine the card under some rulesets with Thaddeus.
But the card gets and increadible power peak at level 2 with the thorns ability.
Inside this Gladiator pack there are also another 2 cards I play a lot with. Isgald Vorst is a very powerful card with the Opportunity ability, specially if you can combine him with Noa the Just. And the other card I also play is Chimney Wallstop. It´s a very uselful card specially in high mana battles. You can put him in 2nd place with the reach ability and you can use him also as a secondary tank.
I was already happy with these reward cards, but after opening the second gladiator pack, the happiness was even higher.
I got another regular foil legendary card called Jini Guise. I already got 2 BCX of this card, so I was able to combine the new card and got a level 2 Jini.
At level 2, the card keeps the shield and bloodlust ability and incorporates blind. This card is very useful for low mana battles. This card is very similar to Queen Mycelia, but with bloodlust.
If you are a new player, you need to know that the bloodlust ability is one of the most OP abilities within the game. If you are able to kill an enemy monster with a card that has bloodlust, you will get +1 in every stat.
As per the previous Gladiator pack, there are also 2 other cards that I play a lot and are currently meta. Both cards don´t have any attack, but if you combine them with a card that has the weapon training ability, you will get a very powerful card.
One of these cards is Helmet Kharafax and the other card is Krash Wanderford. If you already own cards such as Moxian Rebel or Aves Sturgis.
In order to be able to claim through the Ranked battles, you will need to have and play Gladiator cards due to the bloodlust ability explained before. Thanks to these 2 Gladiator packs, I own now a level 2 Jini Guise and a level 1 Xulax Nightwind.
These cards have increased the power of my deck and I am looking forward to meet you at the battle, so you can see how they perform.
I would like to finish this post by telling you that it is not very common to get legendary cards inside the Gladiator packs. So you can imagine how lucky and how happy I was to get 2 straight legendary cards in 2 packs. This is the reason why I am sharing this remarkable moment with you.
So, THANK YOU SPLINTERLANDS for these rewards, much appreciated!
Please share with me in my comments section if what has been a remarkable moment for you and what you think about my newest cards.
If you haven't made an account already, please consider using my referral link to sign up.
Cool post buddy 👍 and congratulations again with the rewards, I hope they bring you many wins!
Thank you mate, lets keep rolling!
Thanks for sharing! - @alokkumar121