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RE: To the Splinterlands Community

in #splinterlands2 years ago (edited)


Are you getting pumped hard? I'm glad you are so fucking pumped that the "bear" is dead.
Look at all these "kind, dedicated and good humans" that you are around. Are you proud of all of them, you fat fucking pig filthy mother fucker. I bet you are so fucking proud of the way you all colluded to harass, block, intimidate, silence and bully someone into their grave. And then you all repeated the exact same filthy tactics with me, to make sure your crimes are kept under wraps. Does that news make you proud you fucking dog. That is the only dead thing you should all be proud of. Im sure you will all be celebrating like the filthy pigs that you all are.

Go and fucking choke your fraudster mother fucker. You and all the filthy dogs who were all part of this disgusting behaviour that you have no fucking shame about, and never will.

The only thing you are proud of, is protecting all the thieves, cheating fraudsters in your insider circles that you collude with to make sure that your crimes are covered up.

You are a fucking criminal and an animal with no fucking remorse for anything you all did to destroy my brothers life.