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RE: Market Listing Fees & Expiration

Awesome, this is a great update.
I would like to suggest that something be done to end all of the criminally underpriced rentals whose owners seem to have gone missing.
Maybe have all rentals that were listed before the change goes into effect get canceled after 30 days no matter what. Then start the feature where if your card gets rented the de-list clock resets.


I tried really hard to get this to happen.
Even indicated that those early negligent listings might cause more chaos and problems for the market and that there is an argument that those listings indirectly lead to more repricings and market problems than any other factor.

Similarly i suggested that if those owners wanted to come in and re-commit to their insane 30x lower prices than avg (which bots likely scoop up) then they had 2 weeks to reprice and thus have a newer listings that wouldn't expire... ever.

I guess they could run a query to see how many legacy listings still exist from the first month or two and have never been changed. Maybe the data would prove our theory wrong.

why would they even do that? If people found cheap rentals and owners never bothered to change the price I see no problem with it, why do we need to screw the renters?