I love all your choices here, the ecr change wont affect anyone but bots or the most hardcore players, and it allows a solid legit usecase for an ecr potion, which I was previously against.
I like the pools you have chosen, it feels strange to not have 1 thing I can say I dislike, lets keep this going!
Rock on!
You checked yourself the information ? Can you explain me how you can play 70 battles without beeing affected ?
You can do this at the first day, if you start with 100% but what is at the second day ?
It's always good to check information yourself and not to trust others.
I can tell you that you can play a maximum of 48 battles a day and to do so you should submit your battle every 30 minutes all arround the clock, as human player you won't be able to play 48 battles, if you play only once a day you can play roughly 40 battles a day without beeing affected.
thats still quite a bit of battles, and they are coming out with ECR potions supposedly, and you could always make a 2nd account if you are that hardcore and need more battles. This affects people running thousands of accounts, much more than it affects a single human player. and that is good for humanity
OK, so You think it is good if the splinterlands-team publish obvisiouly wrong information ?
Is this the core sense of your answer ?
I am much more concerned with the overall message and nature of the updates, if you want to disagree over the numbers, thats on you, because myself, as a player, rarely if ever play more than 30 battles a day, unless I am off from work. I dont know, you must be really hardcore to play that much, and yet if you are so hardcore why not just play multiple accounts?
You don't want understand my point isn't it ?
Where I have told that the battles are not enough for me or something like this ?
I think you must have dreamed this.
My point is that the splinterlands-team should publish correct information and the information that you can play 70 battles a day is completely wrong, in every case if you don't take the case that you start with ECR of 100%.
I don't know why they publish this, if they just don't understand their own system or if they have deliberately disseminating false information. Both cases are not really a Glory Leaf for them.
My point is that I want have correct information and that they understand what they have developed.
By the way: I am really curious what will happen after the update. Will the human player found an opponent such easily like now or will often the time run out with the message "No suitable opponent" found ? In every case I expect a big reduction of the daily played battles. We will see ...
its impossible to predict. If the bot owners want to make more money, they will have more accounts playing more often, we know many are being alternated so multiples exist of how many play each day for example, like one will play down its ecr, rest for 3 days and go dormant, so technically there are 4x as many bots that exist compared to how many play per day. Without this ability to burn their ecr down effectively, they will use more of their accounts every day if they want to earn with them. Thats what I think COULD happen, but we will see.
I think if they had the possibility to do that they would do in the past.
Sometimes I see bots who have only 5-6% ECR, what sense it make for them to proceed playing when they could just play with another account ?
But let's see what happen I also don't know.