There was a time wherein I spam Snipe in every battle. For those who don't know what that is, it's an ability here in @splinterlands that targets enemy monsters with Ranged, Magic, or no attack that are not in the first position.
It is a pretty OP ability I must say but as always, not applicable to all scenarios. But ever since the magic meta happened, I rarely use Snipe cards anymore.
So, I did struggle in this battle challenge as I don't really use this card a lot, every time I try to use this card, it will easily get targeted and be taken down because of its relatively low hit points.
But I am pretty proud about my entry for this week as I went against a LEVEL 2 KELYA FRENDUL and 4 GOLD FOILS.
If you want to watch my awesome battle, click the link below:
Here's the lore of our featured monster from the Splinterlands page:
Few explorers dare to go deep within the volcanoes of the world. Tales are told of great spiders that weave threads of fire and trap their enemies in webs of flame. An inescapable and painful death.
When the Chaos Legion entered the Splinterlands through the great volcano in the center of Praetoria, they saw the lava spiders and used them to their advantage. Transporting these spiders into areas that need defense is a win-win for both groups. For the Chaos Legion, it is an easy barrier to ward off unwanted visitors. And for the lava spiders, they get free meals from the curious, the foolish, and the unwary adventurers that seek to strike at the Chaos Legion.
Nahhh, that's a very cute spider. 😁😁😁 Here's what it really looks like.
I am pretty proud of this battle since I was up against a LEVEL 2 KELYA with four gold foils in my enemy's deck. Upon checking my enemy's quick battle history, I saw that he heavily relies on Heal so I devised a plan on stopping that and what better card to use than DR. BLIGHT and thank goodness that worked really well in this battle because I had some previous battle where Affliction never hit my enemy's tank and that caused me the game.
As for the rulesets, we have:
- AIM TRUE: this is a rule where melee and range attacks
Thanks for sharing! - @lenonmc21