SC : @splinterlands
The Magi Tower is where Goblins go to learn how to use psychic abilities. It isn't just a gift Goblins can learn, but due to the proximity of Gobson, Goblins tend to show up more frequently. The Magi who calls the tower home, enjoys teaching the art of using one's mind to move objects and read thoughts. Goblin Psychics use their abilities to perform work in Gobson or become adventurers and practice to become a full fledged Summoner.
My Line Up Explanation :
- leagues = Silver 3
- Heavy Hitters = All monsters have the knock out ability (Use a monster with Stun ability. There is a 50% chance that your monster with Stun will be able to stun enemy monsters, but if successful, all your monsters will deal double damage to that stunned opponent.)
- Equal Opportunity = All monsters have the opportunity ability (Speed and HP is the trick here: higher speed will let you target enemy's low HP monster first, opening the way for your slower monsters to deal damage to higher HP enemy monsters. Keep lower HP monsters in front. Monsters who have two attack types should always be preferred.)
- 46 mana = included as high mana, so surely will use 6 monsters
- summoner = All available
In the current playable summoner in earth splinter, Obsidian is widely used because the magic offensive attack strategy that easily to be used. Obsidian Giving +1 magic attacks buff to ally monsters. Obsidian is my chosen Summoner simply because i thought will be more useful to have lots of attacks, remember quote by sun tzu "the best defense is a good offense. in earth splinter there was several monsters to use along with this card, such as regal peryton, goblin physics, mycelic slipspawn, while in normal splinter were elven mistic and venari spellsmith
First Position
The most chosen tank in earth splinter is obviously Mustang, this creature is perfect for tank stats , Mustang has 3 melee attacks (this attacks is quite big for level 1 card), 10 health (10 health is not few points), 4 speed (this speed is considered as high, making this card difficult to hit by melee and ranged attacks, has void ability (while speed makes range and melee monster difficult to hit this card, void ability reducing incoming magic damage, means this card will sustain in every strategy used by our enemy.
Second Monster
In equal Opportunity rule it make our low health monsters to be targeted as an attacks by all enemy's monsters. I put this card on this second positin not because I want this card to die, but I will later choose taunt monsters (micelic slipspawn that will take all possible attacks to him), with the effect of taunt we dont need to worry about our low health monsters, this monsters will giving 2 magic damage to enemy's line-up with the effect of Obsidian. this card require 4 mana to summon and has 2 health, 2 speed and dispel ability (clear all status positive on enemy's monster)
Third Monster
The third monsters that I summoned was elven mystic, this card is belong to untamed edition, the untamed editon is already sold out so this card price is spiking. to summon this card we need to spend 4 mana, this elven attacks is 1 magic attack, having 2 speed and 3 health not that good but it is still better than choosing khmer princess that only has 1 speed and 2 health. I put this card in this position ramdomly, but I guess better put this card at behind to avoid instant death, but later I will choose taunt monsters though, so put this card in random is not bad.
Fourth Monsters
The fourth position was our weekly themed monsters, Goblin physics. I put this card away from my taunt monsters (taunt ability monsters placed in sixth position) to avoid blast ability since this card health was low so avoiding that thing is a good strategy, not only for this card but generally to all low health monsters that you need to use, this card is especially good, why? this card has heal tank ability, that will heal our tank when his turn to attacks happen, this ability could be a game changer in various situations.
Fifth Monsters
The fifth monster for me is Regal perython, This card stats are great, this card is very good in my opinion, I put this card on the fifth position to avoid blast ability hit my low health monsters so this card will take the damage instead, putting this card in the backrow didn't make this card also attacks to turn comes late, obviously this card will attacks in early due to his 5 speed. this card has 1 magic attack which we need for our offensinse strategy, this card require 5 mana to summon and has 6 health and flying ability, this ability makes this card very hard to hit.
sixth Monsters
Last but not the least. The sixth monster for me is Mycelic slipspawn, whats best about this card is her taunt ability that will very helpful in this opportunity ruleset. the targeted enemy's monster will go to this card instead of targetting my low health monster, this card has 2 magic attacks that consider a big attacks, this card also has huge health usually taunt monsters also has high health, this monsters require 9 mana to summon, luckily I still have enough mana to summon this card so the effect of this card will help mein this battle.
Did My Strategy Worked?
Both of us used taunt monsters in this battle the enemy used shieldbearer while I used slipspawn, the strategy to use magic offensive attack with Goblin Physics is succesful, the keypoin winning is my monsters in total has more health than the enemy, and magic attacks doesn't attack the shield before damaging health so it benefited much for my line-up.
About Goblin Physics
What i like about this monster :
- Heal tank ability = this ability is very helpful in many situations, heal means more health and you need more health to survive
- high magic attacks that will enough to kill some tanky monsters
What i don't like about this monster:
- low speed, this card has low speed so the card may be death before attacks turn arrive especially when this card is played in backrow
- This monster health is low, 3 health in level one is very dangerous, this card is good to play at least at level 3 with 5 health
- This monster mana summon is quite high, 6 mana is not worth to spend on low mana cap
When to Use Lava Spider
I suggest you to use this monster only for this situation:
- On reverse speed ruleset. His lame 2 speed will turn up into a great advantage on reverse speed ruleset that makes him one of the fastest monster on the field.
- High mana cap, this monsters mana cost is very high, you may pick freely high monsters when you have high mana.
When to Avoid using Lava Spider :
I don't recommend you to use this monster for this situation below:
- On a battle with very low mana to spend. Eventough this monster is a pretty nice bargain with 2 magic attacks and heal tank ability but you need more damage to win the battle,. You should look up into another monster that more efficient on this situation, you can not rely on this card alone better split some attack, or taking 4 mana magic monsters and other monsters to be temporary tanks
- On a battle with healed out and back to basics ruleset. these rules makes this monster is useless, the high mana cost worsened this condition, so better save that mana for other choice.
Final Words
UNREAL DISCORDThank you for reading my post, i hope you enjoyed this post and could give another view about this monster. Let me know if you got another view about this monster on comment section. If you haven't play #Splinterland, you can start join this #Play2Earn game using my referral link below. Also I'm happy to announce that I will make my own splinterlands account next week but I will still use this scholarship account to get more income. if you want to join in a scholarship also please visit and apply one in our discord here :
My referral account
Thanks for sharing! - @mango-juice