Well friends with the growing popularity of the game day after day I see people in the different discord asking for help to know what cards to rent and how much to spend, well here I will bring you a mini guide to take advantage of the best way peakmonster page to rent at incredibly low prices.
Let's start with the first thing, you must know what to look for if you want to be able to climb to a certain league you must enter peakmonster and do the following:
With this they would get 15k of power enough for silver 3 for only 64 dec a day, when the normal gain of that league per win is 10+dec per win, now if you want a good team and for example get a good combo or good economic legendary cards you do the following:
You choose the possible cards you are looking for and hit the star next to it and they will be added to your favorites:
Then you select the favorites and the low price and calmly sit back and click on the refresh symbol as shown in the image next to about renting and wait for a price that fits your budget.
After a few minutes or sometimes a few hours you will get incredible prices like the following and even lower:
If you are not looking for summoners or legendary cards because they are out of your budget and you are tired of being farmed by magic in low and medium leagues? Well I show you how to rent a very good anti-magic team that works very well even against popular summoners in low leagues like mylor, first what you need is to rent the summoner that will allow you to easily beat 80% of magic teams in leagues like bronze and silver and that is nothing more than bortus although we need it lvl 2 so we can use common monsters at lvl 3, then we do the following:
As shown in the image we must select the option summoners and in lvl we place 2, in low price we make sure that the indicator is down (prices from cheapest to most expensive) and we look for the one we need in our case bortus.
as you can see in the image the price is higher than 24dec so we repeat what I said above, we look for the update button next to where it says about renting and after a few minutes we will see the magic.
As you will see a much more affordable price than the previous one although I got it to 4 dec with a little more calm, now we move to the equipment for that we do the following:
We open another peakmonster tab and in lvl we place 3 we make sure that in low price is from lowest to highest price and we update until our team appears with an affordable price, what we need is the sea monster at level 3, crustacean king at level 3, pírate captain at level 3 and to this we can add the sabre shark at level 3 and if you want the venary wavesmth in addition to the feasting seaweed, normally this team does not pass the 30 dec total for 1 day and you can get 100dec in bronze 1 but also works in silver 3.
You can also get them in gold which is what I do and the cost would be identical or even lower, I got it in 20dec per day sometimes the whole team.
I hope the guide is to your liking and if so I will continue to upload more guides, both battles and also how to always stay among the best in low league tournaments.
add in discord if you want to talk whit me E-Godzombie#9926NFT gaming community for free dec here:https://discord.gg/8XFbbRG5
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