Giving Back

in #splinterlands4 years ago (edited)

I used to stream Slam Dunk Mobile a lot. I still host some tournaments with a co-streamer (happy kiddo streams) from time to time but I've stopped playing the game on my streams (not that I stream as much as I used to). sd.jpg

I felt that it became too much pay to win. The community also became too toxic for me. There were streamers cursing other players live on their stream just because of player selection or errors in their game. Imagine! Content creators cursing and calling other players names live on their stream! What a community, right?

Some of my past giveaways:

I've been looking for a new game to get hooked on. I tried a couple of MMOs but they'll eat up a ton of my time. Now that I work 2 jobs, I don't think I can lose any more sleep.

splinterlands_cover.jpgRecently, I've been hooked on Splinterlands. My friend @janvanrae introduced me to the game. I got interested because he said it was play-to-earn. But i got hooked because it's a really fun game! And a single match can be as quick as 3 minutes or you can end up playing for hours (which I've done a few times, ECR be damned). If you have some background in MTG, Hearthstone, Yu-Gi-Oh, Lor, or some other card strategy game, you'll feel right at home!

But Pechay, why is your post titled "Giving Back"? Oh, right. Well, since it's been a while since I last had a giveaway. I wanna do one for the Splinterlands community. It won't be much for now. First, because I just recently started playing. Second, because I suck hahaha. Anyway, we'll be giving away 500 DEC to start off this Giveaway Series - Splinterlands Edition.

How to join you ask? I was thinking of a more interactive way than just leaving a comment and your IGN. So how about this? Share a replay of one of your best gameplays in the comments section along with your IGN. On Saturday at 8 am Manila time (Friday 8 pm EST), I'll collate them and we'll have the community vote on which one they think is the best gameplay. I'll put up a Google Forms link on my page where ya'll can vote. Voting will be up until Sunday 6 pm Manila time (Saturday 6 am EST) then I'll post the results here and on my page.

Upvoting, reblogging, and following (both here and my FB page) are NOT required but much appreciated.

So I hope you guys participate - either by sharing your amazing gameplays or by voting which one you think is the best. See you in 3 days!

PS: If you haven't signed up yet, use my referral code by clicking here.

*edit - I'm closing the time for entries earlier (like right now lol this edit was done Friday, September 3, 7 am Manila time or Thursday, September 2, 7 pm EST). we've got 9 already and I want to make sure there's enough time for voting


This is my epic battle where I completely obliterated this manʻs soul. Thanks.

i love the way you described it haha. sandworm ftw!

I still new this all I have one of my best match I was so sure its my lose


i got scared there for a moment! thought you'd lose!

Still new on the game but here is one of mh recent epic battle.

the sheriff shot everyone down! lol

The reason I've chosen this battle is because I'm a noob with few cards besides starter ones, and I still managed somehow to win against this guy with a much better deck.

IGN: @litrydow

amazing win! goes to show that having/using a legendary summoner doesn't mean you'd win automatically.

This is what you called saved by the "miss". Also winning with just the starter cards
IGN: rayver0329

what an ending! a win is a win and i'd personally take it any way I can :)

this one ftw in an earth daily quest! :)

knew i was gonna fight water and made a horrible mistake of putting failed summoner in the back.. luckly, look what happened in final round :D ign: dusi, cheers!

goblin thief ftw! nice one bro!

This battle is surely epic since I did not believe I will win the fight but guess what, Mama Coco saved the day!

IGN: hanam2

nice match! truly epic as he wasn't taking any damage near the end. thank heavens for fatigue. Divine healer FTW!

heh, utterly useless healer from the start became the true killah in the end! gg

I feel really proud about this battle, my rented cards are proving their worth and my positioning was spot on!
My first slaughter :D

the positioning was indeed spot on! unfortunately, time for entries was closed prior to your comment. I'm so sorry bud. don't worry, there'll be another one this month!