I was the guy in discord that originally bounced this idea with you.
I think the way you have it layed out is perfect! People will complain (possibly) about how this would affect leaderboards, but, ultimately, it's player choice whether to boost or not, so if they choose to do it, they choose to possibly lose leaderboard placement.
One issue I saw brought up in discord was that this would wreck match liquidity, which is definitely a possibility, so maybe we could do the below:
We could also stretch this the other way, to enable people to play MORE. We could do this either by doubling energy gains, or adding a 0.5x boost (so people could play twice as many games as they do now!)
I see this as a benefit to new players who are excited and want to play more, and possibly as an additional outlet for creators, whether that be streaming or youtube, etc. It should also fix match liquidity to a certain degree (assuming people utilize this portion of the feature).
Of course, stretching it the other way, would absolutely wreck leaderboards and the 0.5 or the 100 energy people would dominate (for one season at least), so I can see how this would be a bigger issue, but allowing players to play more, is good, as long is it's not exploitable.