Byzantine Kitty, Attack First and Let's Win // Weekly Battle Challenge Dragon

in #splinterlands3 years ago (edited)


Hello Everyone!
I rebloging this post because I forget to comment in Splinterland post, but My payout end in 2 day.

I'm back again to share My battle strategy in Splinterlands. In this chance I join Splinterlands Weeekly Battle Challenge with Theme Dragon. As you know, a Dragon card can be played together with any other element, and that makes them the most versatile cards in the game above. In this battle I will used Legendary Dragon Summoner, Byzantine Kitty.




RulesetsExplosive Weaponry (All Monsters have the Blast ability)
Equalizer (The initial Health of all Monsters is equal to that of the Monster on either team with the highest base Health)
Mana Cap58
Deck AvailableFire, Water, Earth, Dragon



I used Byzantine Kitty Summoner because they are very powerful summoner. They have 3 ability at same time. +2 Speeds, True Strike, and Thank Heal ability. Its very suitable with the Rulesets in this battle because I need monster with high speed. If all monsters have Blast ability, its mean if our attack hit the target, the attack will also hit the right and left of the monsters. True Strike and +2 Speed very useful in this battle.
speed.png+2 SpeedAll Friendly Monsters have +2 Speed
True StrikeThis Monster's attacks cannot miss.
Thank HealRestores a portion of the Monster in the first position's health each round.

My Line Up

Djinn Chwala2ThornsFirst position, As a tank because they have Thorns ability. If opponent hit with melee attack, does damage will back to attacker. This monsters have 5 armor, that mean its strong with melee and range.
Djinn Oshannus1VoidSecond position, with Void ability that reduced damage from magic attack. Its Ok to put this monster in second place because they have high speed, so if snipe monsters from opponent hit, the chance to miss is decent. This monsters maybe will died first, because they get blast from first tank.
Deeplurker1OpportunityThird position, monster with opportunity with blast is powerful. I this this monster is main attacker in this battle.
Nerissa Tridawn1NoneFourth position, attacker with decent magic damage. If this monster hit their target, opponent will lose many health from their tank and monster behind tank.
Captain Ghost1Affl ictionFifth position, monster with magic damage and Affliction ability. When a Monster with Affliction hits a target, it has a chance of applying Affliction on the target causing it to be unable to be healed.
River Hellondale1ResurrectLast position, monsters with Resurrect ability. When a friendly Monster dies it is brought back to life with 1 Health. This ability can only trigger once per battle.

line up.png

Opponent Line Up

SummonerKelya Frendul2+1 Speed, +1 Armor
FirstChain Golem1MeleeShield
SecondFlying Squid3MeleeReach
ThirdSand Worm3MeleeSneak
FourthDemented Shark1MeleeInspire

Opponent using Water Deck Summoner, Kelya Frendul level 2, that have ability +1 Speed and +1 Armor. They used 5 Melee attack Monsters and 1 Range attack Monster. I think they also strong and fast, with a very large total damage. If I can't attack first then I will lose. I think using many monsters with magic attack is the right decision, because My attack will hit monster health without hitting armor.



Full Battle Link



  • Round#1 start with buff and debuff all of summoners and monsters.
  • My Djinn Oshannus is the first monster that chance to attack. You can see that overall speed from my monsters is higher than the opponent, so some of my monsters have a chance to attack first.
  • No monsters died from this round, but my team looks stronger than the opposing team.



  • Round#2 start with Byzantine Kitty heal Djinn Chwala, Her health is full again.
  • Chain Golem died because attack from Djinn Oshannus and River Hellondale, and Flying Squid dead because attack from Narissa Tridawn.
  • Attack from Deeplurker opponent to My Djinn Oshannus was missed, but in the end My Djinn Oshannus died becaue blast attack from Sand Worm.
  • End of Round#2 Resurrect ability from River Hellondale brought back Djinn Oshannus life.
  • There are 4 monster left in opponent side, and My side still full.



  • Same like Round#2, Round#3 start with Byzantine Kitty heal Djinn Chwala.
  • Djin Oshannus get chance to attack first, then River Hellondale. Sand Worm killed because this attack.
  • Djin Oshannus died again because blast attack from Cornealus. Same as My plan, He is the first dead monster in My side.
  • My Deeplurker managed to kill Demented Shark, and in the end of Round#3 there are 2 monsters left in opponent side, and 5 monsters left in My side.



  • Start with Byzantine Kitty Heal Djinn Chwala, now She has 6 health.
  • Deeplurker from opponent dead because attack from River Hellondale and Narissa Tridawn.
  • Remaining Cornealus alone, can only take attacks without being able to retaliate. It's only a matter of time, victory is in my hands.



  • Byzantine Kitty Heal Djinn Chwala, then 3 consecutive strikes from River Hellondale, Narissa Tridawn and Djinn Chwala killed Cornealus.
  • I win in this battle with 5 monsters left.




My strategy was work effectively in this battle. Byzantine Kitty very suitable for use in battles that require high speed. In high and middle mana cap they are strong, but not suitable for low mana because they have 7 mana, and do not try to used this summoner in reverse speed ruleset. I think combine this summoners and Djinn Chwala is strong enough because Djinn Chwala have Decent health and armor. In low mana, You can try to used other summoner like Drake of Arnak combine with death deck.



Dragon is special element because Dragon card can be played together with any other element. The total of all cards in this element is 48 cards from all editions.


There are a total of 13 summoner dragons of 7 with Legendary rarity, 2 epic, 3 Rare, and 1 Common.

Some players also feel the dragon as a symbol of social status. This is true if anyone thinks that the dragon card is a symbol of social status, because if we look at most of the cards in this element are legendary cards. There are 29 legendary cards out of a total of 48 cards.

Talking about prices, Dragon cards have relatively high prices, both selling prices and rental prices in the market. This is a natural thing because of their high rarity and also the features of each card that are special compared to the others. Let's see from the 2 cards that we use in this battle.



  • Dragon cards is special because they can combine with other element.
  • Combo Byzantine Kitty and Djinn Chwala is suitable in middle and high mana cap.
  • Do not used Byzantine Kitty in Reverse Speed rulesets.
  • Do not used Byzantine Kitty and Djinn Chwala in low mana, because they have decent mana cap.
  • Byzantine Kitty have an expensive selling price and rental price.
  • Don't force the use of certain cards if the rulesets don't support it.


Thank you for visiting post. If you have any idea about strategy battle, let's discuss and comment below. If you interesting to play this game but don't have any account, please sign up using my referral click here.


@rqr4 for the wonderful divider @splintertools @splintercards

