Splinterlands - SHARE YOUR BATTLE Weekly Challenge! DRAGONS

in #splinterlands3 years ago

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Many say that the best defense is offense but is this true? Today I will talk about a card from the dragon deck that is little used but in the right battles it has great potential, the name of this card is Daria Dragonscale and she is a summoner.

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As I said before it is a card that is very little used these days, at least I rarely see it in battle, but for leagues like bronze and silver its potential is very great (not that in other leagues it is not but I consider it more strong in these).

I think everyone here must have used the dragon deck at least once and everyone knows how strong it is, but Daria Dragonscale doesn't attract much attention since other summoners like drake of arnak or selenia sky draw more attention and that's why I created a combination for her that makes her more useful than those other summoners.

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In this combination we have the Djinn Chwala as the tank and also as the main source of damage, in addition to having 3 attack which is a lot of attack, he also has the Thorns skill and this will certainly give work to the enemy.

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In the second position we have the Manticore that in addition to having good damage and health, it also has the fly ability and will become a great defense if Djinn Chwala is defeated as it has a high chance to dodge attacks.

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And in the third position we have Uraeus, this card has 2 important functions in the game, the first is that it will serve to attack enemy monsters from behind that usually have little hp and are easy to defeat and the second function is that how it has a shield he will serve to protect at least 1 physical attack from the enemy if he has any card that attacks the monsters from behind.

Now that you know the combination, you understand why the summoner Drake of Arnak is not so useful in this battle since 2 of the 3 cards have shields and Manticore is between those 2 cards which makes him protected even without a shield.

And all the cards I mentioned are level 2 epic cards because their attributes are stronger and more attractive and their costs aren't too high.

The battle that I will show was in the bronze league and even if it is a strong combination, there will be certain battles that are not very viable for you to use it, but as I consider a strong combination in both bronze and silver then it is a good option for you to have it as it will be useful in many battles.

To watch the full battle just click on the link below:


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In this battle Uraeus couldn't show his full potential since the enemy team had 2 cards with the sneak ability and the summoner reduced 1 hp from all my cards but he had a very important role taking these 2 attacks since it took more time for the other cards to attack.

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As you can see if they had attacked Manticore she would have been defeated in the first round and thanks to Uraeus the enemy's front cards have already been eliminated and Silent Sha-vi doesn't have enough damage or speed to defeat Manticore.

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It was a quick but effective battle, I think you could see that it's a very useful combination in battles and it also doesn't have a very high mana cost, but I would recommend that you always check the cards that your opponent usually uses because this will be of great help to see if it's the ideal combination for that battle.