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RE: Riftwatchers Revised DAO Proposals

in #splinterlands2 years ago

4b- We would like to increase the number of packs eligible for pre-sale rewards to allow anyone that purchased packs within the first 3 minutes (60 blocks). This would be a ~10% increase to the total pre-sale packs and resolve 60% of the transactions and 81% of the financial considerations of the presale refund requests.

This part isnt fair to the people who saw it was over 500k packs and decided not to buy because of the rules set up before hand. It also isnt really fair for the people who did things correctly to balloon their promo supply by 10%

I think the refunds should come from Splinterlands but id be fine with them coming out of the dao as well. I still dont know why this is even a thing when people knew a week+ in advance the exact time they needed to be in front of the computer and if it sold out faster than you thought then thats YOUR fault not anyone who was prepared.


its true it might "not be fair" to those people but honestly those people didnt got hurt at all. If you didnt participate in the presale you only got to see your sps go from 0.083 to 0.092, maybe got a node or even bought up more Rws packs. So to me where theres no harm, theres no fault.

 2 years ago  Reveal Comment

Welcome to the world of DAO's. Its all a centralized facade!