here is an interesting question - one that only matters for the initial transition. those of us that regularly play in one league (for me- silver) but have enough power to advance to gold 3 at EOS, it has always been correct to do so at EOS - but this season, does that mean we shouldn't do it, that it will disrupt our ability to earn?
it is hard to see whether or not the impact on us will be good or bad. i pretty regularly am in the top 100 of silver 1, but without the level 2 legendary summoners, can't compete for top 25 rewards at EOS, so i play silver and bump up to gold 3 at EOS. will playing at that level make getting stuck with gold chests in the first new season, cripple my earning potential? or does playing at that level make some sense for earning gold chests?
one annoyance, is that my win rate drops from pretty well above 50% at silver, to below 50% at gold (I think, i haven't actually done the math on that) and if i experiment with going up to gold during the new rewards season, if it turns out to be bad.... i'll be stuck earning gold chests the next season as well.
hm. overall i like the direction this is going, but I can't help but wonder if this won't discourage "sticking your toe in a higher league" due to it having ramifications for both this season, and the next season.
maybe, an option to start a new season earning lower chests? or maybe i'm overthinking it, and for people who can play at the high end of silver I, then earning gold chests is just fine?