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RE: Fourth Untamed Legendary Summoner Revealed & Upcoming Maintenance

in #splinterlands5 years ago

Blind applies to the enemy creatures. Return Fire applies to your creatures.

If you're reducing the rate at which enemies can hit you, return fire loses its effectiveness. Seems like a strange combination of abilities for a legendary summoner.

Feels like they hamstring themselves.


Return Fire attack is 50% of initial attack.

So if Blind worked there is no Return Fire, but also no damage is taken by your monster.

What is better?

  1. Being hit and losing 4 HP, then returning fire causing the opponent to lose 2 HP
  2. Nothing happens (miss) because of Blind?

I don't mind Blind causing miss 100% of the time which means no Return Fire at all :D

Exactly! It's a real interesting combination that doesn't make things too OP. I love what Splinterlands came up with.

Return Fire doesn't damage opponents who do melee attacks. The blinf saves you from melee attacks as well 😄

I want them to hit meeeee!

This is why jacekw is better at the game than me :P

This is why you have a higher rank than me in the game :)