Cobining Cards END

in #splinterlands4 years ago

What happens when you combine 3 or more cards together? Are you just wasting those extra cards by burning them?
To reach next level, you need a certain number of cards to be combined. every card combined takes you closer to the next level. So, you are not wasting cards and are actually taking a step closer to the next level.
Depending on the "edition" of the card and the level you are wanting to reach, you will get a notification telling you how many cards it requires for the next level, and you will get a notification telling you how many extra you will have left over that will count towards the next level.
There is a green bar that gives a visual representation of how close your card is to the next level depending on the number of cards that have been combined.

So the green life bar on the card represents how far you are to reaching the next level?
Yes, the green life bar gives a visual representation of how many cards have been combined so far towards the next level.
By clicking on the card you are able to see more information on the current level of the card, how many cards have been combined, and also how many cards are needed for the next level.
Can you Combine Cards in Cool Down?
Yes, but this may potentially create a new card with the Cool Down from the combined cards.
Can you remove Cool Down when Combining Cards?
If a card has been played within the last 7 days and it is transferred to another account, a 7-day cool-down period is added. This means the card won't be available in ranked battles for the next following days.
As long as the card is in cool-down, a little clock is displayed next to the card information. As long as the little clock is there, the card can't be used.
(Explain how in detail with serial numbers.)
Cooldown Clock.jpg
The serial number can actually help you to combine cards that are in cooldown to create a higher level card that is not in cooldown.

