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RE: SPS Governance Proposal - Split Ranked Battle Reward Pools By League

in #splinterlands2 years ago

I get that this is being proposed to further hamper bots and encourage people to move up in leagues. However, I fail to see how this change is in alignment with the vision of wanting everyone to have a fair chance; freedom, happiness, and prosperity. Is this vision just lip service; or does Splinterlands really believe it? I see this change as further monopolizing the game for the whales and those that already have disposable income. We already have that happening in the world around us. I had hoped Splinterlands would be different.

It seems to me that Splinterlands has two conflicting visions. One vision is to create a strong desire to buy and level up cards and move up in leagues as high as possible. The other vision is to help people everywhere, including those that have less disposable income. I'm not sure if they can co-exist. Unfortunately, greed usually wins out.

I don't believe in free handouts, but the rewards for an individual person or account at bronze or silver is already low compared to the higher leagues. Silver and bronze is where most people reside would be my guess. The real issue seems to be bots and multi-accounting.


I know everyone thinks that the problem is the bots, but if a person pays 1k$ and puts a bot, it helps the economy, because it invests, the problem is if you make 10 accounts, farm and never buy a card in the market to improve, even if you have only one account and you never buy a single card, and you just sell and sell, that doesn't help the game. That's what I think, and I agree with the rewards being divided, but not with the amounts agreed there. However this had to be implemented for testing.