Day2: How to complete snipe quest in Splinterlands︱玩Splinterlands第二天解snipe 任務 中文 攻略 教學 NFT GAME

in #splinterlands3 years ago

Hi there, I’m Ikki. This is a 30 days documentary about how much money I will make after playing Splinterlands for 30 Days. If you need, I could add CC subtitles in English for you guys. Please let me know what you think. I hope this video can help you save some time to know if you can really play to earn or it’s just a GAME :)

Today’s quest is Snipe, you have to use at least one card with snipe ability. Check my video and see which Sniper you would love to use in the game!!

Play Splinterlands:

Time Stamps:

00:00 Sniper Quest
3:17 What is Snipe?
4:06 Snipe is an ability
5:13 Targets enemy Monsters with Ranged, Magic
5:19 Fire Beetle
7:44 Mantoid
14:03 Centaur
23:04 Today’s Chest Legendary Potion


今天的任務是Snipe Quest,隊伍裡必須有一個技能為 Snipe的射手,可以在選擇牌組的時候用搜尋框輸入snipe來篩選。對角色比較熟悉之後,就可以比較快選擇自己常用的MANA點搭配射手,這一集我用了Fire Beetle、Centaur、Mantoid,提供給玩家參考。