Wow this was an amazing and great read... I love it when people make detailed posts like this instead of making blanket statements as to what is good and why.
(If you ever see earthquake and fumes vulture is MVP as it hunts down everyone and the 2 rulesets devours the field)
if you are in gold league maybe one of the best also. When dealing with the noxious fumes its also good to notice what mana cap you are at cause depending on that cube may still be the best or in lower sets having a vulture with lyanna. In midcap rulesets in poison I actually go with a vulture cube combo as that alone almost cost the mana of 1 llama and allows me to better maneuver into other cards for utility.
Cleanse I believe is also an ability that soft counters this ruleset.
Some people use the summoners like malric in that ruleset because that is just what they have the most access to as you noticed outside of Mylor all the other summoners are rather easier to access in terms of a price point, but malric I've actually personally used in this ruleset even at diamond+ ranking it really just depends cause it offers at lower mana cap some of the cheapest dps cards that can backdoor and with opportunity to destroy the opponents plans typically with cube in second position and like a healing 4 mana dog in the 1st(lol was too lazy to look up name)
If you would ever like to discuss strategies I'm always down as that is one of my favorite subjects. Discord maybe the better avenue for this though, but anyways I decided to follow you as I find strategy and analytical posts to be some of my most enjoyable reads thus far.
Enjoy some !PIZZA as food for your thoughts... literally lol and thanks for such a well thought out content