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RE: The 3 Format Solution: An Answer to Botting?

in #splinterlandslast year (edited)

I think splits like this should be decided by Stake Weighted Voting on the distribution.

Essentially, the way it'd work is like this...

Whatever pools exist, the DAO votes on the distribution of the funds dynamically.

Essentially, you'd allocate a portion of your Staked SPS as percentages toward whatever pools you want funded.

If I only want to support one pool, then 100% of my staked SPS vote goes toward that one pool.

If I want to support multiple pools, then I divvy up my vote as desired.

The real amounts allocated to each of the pools is simply the math of adding up the staked SPS votes for any pool and assigning that percentage to the pool.

Here's an example:

ModernWildBot League
100k Staked SPS75k Staked SPS50k Staked SPS
20k Staked SPS75k Staked SPS49k Staked SPS
10k Staked SPS--
Total: 130kTotal: 150kTotal: 99k

IMO this solves a lot of problems.

People claim that botting is the problem, but more often it's the botting for sake of pure extraction that is most clearly a problem.

By requiring pools to be supported by stake weighted votes it encourages more staking of SPS in order to be able to earn in whatever ways one desires.

This starts aligning incentives so that the more the extractors extract... the less influence they hold on the pools and the less can be extracted.

However... if there's a strong enough contingent of those of us who bot and yet keep growing our stake, collection, etc... then the pools balance out nicely depending on the market demand at any given time.

If this was setup well it could even be fairly dynamic, so you could say put your stake into Modern while you know you're going hard in Modern, but if life gets busy and you need to step away for a bit, perhaps you move your stake to a bot pool while you leverage Archmage to play your account for you until you have time to return.


I kinda like it! But also wonder how it would turn out, and if we would have votes go in a direction that's "undesired for gameplay" or something weird. What if most whales were botting, so allocated their sps stake to wild, and we ended up with 80% wild, 15% modern, 5% legacy? I just have no trust in people so hesitate on this lol.

Ultimately I think for better or worse it’s the truest solution to the promise of what the SPS DAO is supposed to represent and gives the best representation of what SPS holders would want for the distribution of SPS.

If setup right it could also be actively balanced by the whales based on the results of the percentages rather than just self interest for their own accounts (ie… I think this pool needs more even if it wouldn’t impact my account etc..)