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RE: We are hosting a Splinterland Tournament: Monday 2PM Est

in #splinterlands4 years ago

Hi! I just wanted to ask - the prize is only for top1 or for top8? Post suggests it's top8, but tournament configuration states it's only for top1.

We are giving away packages worth $500 to the top 8 best players of the contest.



Yea, sorry that was my first tourney setup and I screwed up.

I re-created the thing. Made it payable to 10 players.

Had no idea 400 people would play else I would have made more payouts.

Great, thanks. I noticed before, that tournament is re-created.
Some of these 400 players are weak bots haha that signed up because the tournament is free to join anyway.
If I can suggest one more thing - it's better to give prizes for top 4, 8, 16, 32, 64 and so on, because that's the number of people that advance to a given round :)