Splinterlands Rental System: Is It Worth It?

in #splinterlands4 years ago

The Rental System

For all the newcomers and players who have very limited budget to invest in this card game, worry not because Splinterlands got you covered. But why rent in the first place when you can just use your starting cards or just buy cheap cards to add to your deck? Simple, it is a very cheap method to increase your deck's Power and Power is an important requirement to advance to the next League Tiers.


As stated in the in game pop up info, power is based on the size and quality of your card collection. It determines your highest possible League Tier. You can see the them by clicking on the tab encircled on the image below.


This is the table you will base on to understand how much power a card gives. It will help you plan what and how many cards you would need to obtain to be able to have enough for the next league tier.

League Tier

When you have just started out in the game, you will begin in the Novice League. This is the lowest league among the six, Champion being the highest.

League Tier.JPG

To step up to higher leagues, there is a Rating and Power requirement. In my case, I'd need at least 1,900 rating and 100,000 power to qualify for the lowest Gold League Tier.

League Tier Info.JPG


This determines your Rank (and Tier advancement) within the Leagues. Winning battles will give you rating but you also lose some of it if you lose. Defeating players with a higher rating than yours will give you higher rating on wins and fewer deduction on losses.

One best way to have a boost in power is by renting Gold Foil cards. These give 50x power per BCX than a Normal Foil. For example, renting a Gold common Dice card with 1 BCX will give you 500 power.

Getting the Best Value Out of Your Rented Card

Like I've said, Gold Cards give a good boost in power and it is always best to choose an Alpha card over a Beta card if there is a same price or cheaper one available since it gives more additional power. Here is an example (see the ticked checkbox):

Divine Healer Alpha GF.JPG

Divine Healer GF.JPG

Divine Healer NF.JPG

As you can see, the Normal Foil Divine Healer is the cheapest for the lvl 4 selection. But understanding the power they give, the Normal Foil Beta only provides 180 power (12BCX x 15 power) compared to the Gold Foil Beta (750 power) and Gold Foil Alpha (1,500 power). In this case, since the price difference between the Normal Foil Beta and the Gold Foil Alpha is only roughly more than .5 DEC/day, the best choice would be to get the Gold Foil Alpha Divine Healer. Apart from the higher power it gives, it will provide 20% DEC earning bonus when using it in battle because it is an Alpha and a Gold Foil card.

Take Your Time

Unless you want to rush renting a card that you need, take your time and choose carefully so you will get the best value out of your DEC rental payment 😉 Filters are a good way to easily spot the most affordable and worth it cards. In the image below, I used the following filters: Normal Foil, Gold Foil, Common Rarity, Life Splinter, Level 4.


Understanding What to Rent

You are probably wondering why I chose to rent a level 4 Divine Healer even though I can use a level 8 common card in the Gold League. It is simple, also check the stats of the monsters you want to rent.

Divine Healer Stats.JPG

In this case, only a level 3 Divine Healer would suffice for me since I would only want it to also deal magic damage, but upon checking the available rental listings during the time I looked up on this, I didn't find any affordable card level 3 card rentals so I opted to go set a level filter higher by 1 and here I spotted many good options as what you saw on the previous images. I would have also opted to look for a level 6 Divine Healer for the Slow ability but it was too expensive and I needed to focus on its healing ability only.


Basically, whenever you want to rent a card that you would like to add to your deck, make sure you review their stats and consider what levels would be the most affordable and best option for you and your budget. This is only my opinion and strategy on card rentals based on experience and wanted to share it with you. Feel free to express your own opinion or if you have a different strategy in renting your cards. And most importantly, have fun and enjoy learning the game. 😃

Surprise Giveaway

I do not have much game asset myself (this is only my 2nd month 😊) but I would like to share this opportunity especially for those just starting out by sharing some of my SPS. It might not be of much value but it is the thought that counts. To qualify for this entry, just share your thoughts on the game's rental system, good or bad. Don't forget to also mention your Splinterlands Username. I will be picking 3 qualifiers who will be receiving SPS to be given 3 days after this posting. Good luck and have fun with the game!

1st Winner - 3 SPS
2nd Winner - 2 SPS
3rd Winner - 1 SPS


Nice post master!

The rental system is decent enough for players. For me, I think it is balanced. @nicpanda

Conratulations! You won 3 SPS :) Will be mentioning you in the next post.

I think the rental fees would go up as time goes on because of high demand and low supply.

Username is edward0099

Best to save up for Chaos Legion while you can :)

rental system is the best! and its getting expensive


Thanks for sharing :) I think the rental system is a great thing for those who dont have lots of funds to put into the game, but will allow folks to get to higher ranked tiers for rewards.

The system makes it much easier to get ahead, however if you have been around for a while, you know how difficult it is to rank up in the leagues now than it was before. Not complaining, but it does make ranking up much more difficult now.

Anyways, just thought I'd share my thoughts.


It was definitely a big help for me :) reached Gold League with rented cards

I like the rental system. It would be nicer if we can limit the days of the rent (ex) max 30days etc.) Thanks / username : anuk

have found some cheap key cards for rental so I like the system @lockiit

Good sharing that is useful for newbie like me!!! Looking forward from your donation will be a great help for me. username:luckbest

I can say that it is just fine. Some players lease their cards at a low price which is very helpful for beginners like me. I once rented a level 3 gold foil Chicken for just 4 DEC per day, cheap isn't it?

My IGN is @maybe.not thanks!!!

ign: strikehero

The rental system itself is great to help us newbies advance. The only downside then is over pricing but then that belongs to card owners' discretion already. Overall, it allows users with low budget to experience the game almost entirely.

Nice man,just bought one gold alpha shaman for 7dec/day...thanks for the advice...silver league lets go...

I personally think that the rental system in this game is awesome. Without it, I would have like 1 card excluding the starters. However, I would like to see how many days are left for my rentals. Idk if I am just blind, but I can't find it.
Username: PapaHupod

The renting system is so good specially to new players and your post is really helpful to player who just started playing splinterlands it summarizing almost everything for a newbie. I myself even made mistakes on renting, without know the caps per league and summoner lvl requirements. Ign: tanyx

Congratulations! You won 1 SPS :) Will be mentioning you in the next post.

novice renting is a perfect way to get to know the cards better - their useful & useless functionalities - plus combination with daily quests brings some order and system to learning curve (while reasonably maintaining capture rate) - not just a wild acquisition of every cheap piece and skipping from splinter2splinter/attack2attack in each battle :) renting is cool, but how about the social network of guilds with delegations or donations? this seems like a whole new level, at least for me.. ign: dusi. cheers!

oh and one more insight, when i did the math - buy vs. rent - current price for owning a (specific) card made borrowing possible for more than 13 years :D what a bargain, right? this brings me to thinking, is there a max cap for days rent? or perhaps, how cool would it be to merge rented cards into higher lvls :D

Love rental system @moggle

The game's rental system is really good. It gives newbies a chance to challenge veteran players especially if they are equipped with good strats. Thus making the game more competitive and exciting.

IGN: mussein

Awesome post especially for newcomers like me. For me, the rental system is a really good way to make the community engaged as well as to keep the players interested because not everyone is immediately willing to spend or invest a lot on games or anything that involves money.


Rental system is very good, I started last week to rent my cards. @leonardohwang

Great post! I rent 50k power a day to stay in sliver. Would like to join the giveaway! @koition

Hello, great post! I am still learning alot about this game. Renting good card is expensive haha. I just join this game a few days ago :D Would like to win some sps please @koipond Thank you

I think the rental system opens up new doorways of passive income for players, and ALSO benefits new players greatly.

Its getting expensive because of sheer demand, that's not its fault as a system, it's more just a sign of Splinterlands' explosive growth thus far.


Congratulations! You won 2 SPS :) Will be mentioning you in the next post.

I'm loving the rental system. It's allowing me to rent out all the cards I have extras of quick and easy. @rondonshneezy

I personally like the rental system. The breakdown ability it gives you when searching for cards and the ability to expand your collection for those people early in the game who dont have much capital like myself is quite nice. The only thing I think would be beneficial at this time would be adding in a user friendly system so you know how much power each card is worth. User is @onewolfe

This is helpful. I always feel tension between renting gold cards that up my power and renting good non-gold cards that increase my playing ability. @squishna

I'm very happy with the rental system. I can't afford to buy any decent cards, but I've already got a lot of good rentals in just a few days. @adulruna

In my opinion, this renting system is very interesting. I love to gain card while earning some passive income from the rent. As a YuGiOh card player, I would like our developer to introduce this system as they can improve the game in various ways.

IGN: abszero

I like the rental system, for it helps new players or players with not a lot of $$(like my self) to put into the game able to climb the ranks at a reasonable in-game price. Plus it lets us test cards we realize later we need to own.
The only downside is when card owners cancel rentals.

IGN: ThaddeusPrime

I like the option of both, earning DEC on cards I don't use and renting cards to help push me to the next league level. A bit of a trade-off though. Thank you - @heureux

this rental system really helps newcomers, loving this game just hit silver 3 today ! @chrynio13

This is an awesome breakdown, I didn't even realize power levels were a thing! I just started yesterday and the whole thing is still a lot to take in. I'm still kind of skeptical just because each win only gets me a percentage of one DEC, so I'm scared I wouldn't be able to afford renting even one card! But it's nice to see that those fancier cards give you more DEC and aren't just for looks. Any other tips on building DEC so that a noob like me can afford to rent?

The rental system is what makes this CCG so unique and allows newbies to play the game!
Compare that to MTG where decks cost $$$.


Renting is great. I have been playing for a week and have a total collection power of 285 but playing in bronze 1.

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I love the rental system! As someone almost 1 month into the game, it’s really helped me to gain power & leagues! @roguecrane

Rentals way good for new users who wants to grind to upper tiers not having to spend so much
Just need to collect dec now haha

reeenso - please pick me haha

good read for beginners @unyqo

Nice post, it has indeed cleared me some doubts about the rental system (only started playing this week), i have still not rented anything as i dont have a preferred element yet.

ign: @mirage-mage

nice post! im in @flowshot