Opening some Chaos Legion packs [434] and insane luck

in #splinterlands3 years ago (edited)

Hi everyone

It's been a long time since I have writen my last Post on this profile, but today I wanted to share with you a bit the luck I had when opening Chaos Legion Packs.



During the preasale I bought 60 Packs, unfortunatly I hadn't had luck there on this was my best pull, directly in the seconde pack:


In total in the presale I got all this legendaries and Gold Foils. In addition I also got a good chunk of epics for only 60 packs.


Phase 2 Sale + Airdrop

I didn't bought packs during the seconde phase and I also didn't recieved any airdrop since I bought the presale packs over @marcuswhale pool and I didn't had enough for a garanteed one. (The system they use still is in my opinion really sketchy and heavely favourse big pourchaser and disfavourses small once like me, I wouldn't do it again)

General Sale

In the generall sale I went big and purchased directly 540 Packs plus the 81 bonus packs I got additionaly. I first opened only 334 Packs on stream with my budies from the legendary dragons on discord and there I was really lucky. I figured out my luckist way to open packs is 10 by 10 and here is my luckiest pack of all of them:


I opened in total 38 normal Legendary and 1 Gold Foil Legendary what is way over average and also I mainly opened the most valuable legendaries, espacialy those 2:

Gute10 Packs.PNG

Seconde Airdrop

After 24h the window for the seconde wave of airdrop cards was closed and there were in total 3 cards airdroped. But this time my luck run out and I only got 1 normal of each with 622 packs. Knowing that you normaly should have 1 every 350 packs that is really bad.

Opening some more packs

Out of frustration I decided to open some more packs, since the bad luck couldn't go on for ever and as surprise karma was with me and I opened the following + another gold epic:



So in total I opened 434 packs, but I only did the statistics for the 374 general sale packs. I got in them a total value of 1866.69$ what makes an average of 4.98$ per pack and that is really great. In total I opened up 2 Gold Foil Legendaries, 3 GF Epics, and 41 normal Legendaries. Here you see my Chaos Legion Colection (I also did already some trades) :


Thank you for reading on see you in the next post (hopefully not also in half a year)


Hui echt paar nette Karten bekommen.
Mit den Airdrops kann ich nur zustimmen, dass es etwas komisch wirkt. 144 Packs hatte ich gekauft und bisher nix bekommen ^^

Gar nichts bei 144, das ist wirklich unlucky. Dafür gibt es erst mal ein !BEER

BEERHey @dera123, here is a little bit of from @jeanpi1908 for you. Enjoy it!

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Wow, da sind einige sehr nice Pulls dabei! Vor allem die zwei GF-Legendaries 🤑
Schade, dass du bei den Airdrops nicht so viel Glück hattest - aber es kommen ja noch weitere und da drück ich dir die Daumen!

Ja ich hoffe auch gerade bei den Legendary Summoner ein bisschen mehr Glück zu haben.

Some really nice cards!! Happy battling!!

BEERHey @jeanpi1908, here is a little bit of from @rynow for you. Enjoy it!

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