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RE: Splinterlands Guild Brawl Updates & Other Changes

in #splinterlands4 years ago (edited)

Part of the reason this is possible is that in the current rating system the minimum rating point increase for a ranked battle win is 3 points. So these accounts are able to advance 3 points at a time no matter how far ahead of their opponent they are in rating. In order to try to address this going forward, we will be changing the minimum rating increase to 0 for Bronze and Silver league ranked battles and only when the winning player is above the maximum rating level for their league.

This is maybe true in novice or bronze league, but I can tell you that in silver league it gets preaty hard. Since you need a win rate of over 92% (you gain 3 points per win and loose 36 per loose) it is preaty hard to climb with a bot in silver league. The problem I see now for this league is that it will be nearly impossible as a non bot player to climb the leaderboard, because most of the time in match making you are paired with people with way lower rank and so you would get 0 points and then if you loose against this player it is even a harder hit. In my opinion this change is only reasonable if you make the match making so that you only face players of your rating.


I agree. In addition, this will make you want to play a lot for the first 2 or 3 days of the season (so you can get as high as you can) then stop in the middle, and only start playing again with 2 or 3 days left when more people of higher rank are playing. This means that for every 15 day season, I can only safely play 5 of those days.

If I have a 2000 rating, there is no reason for me to be playing against people with a 1300 rating.

Just to give you an overview: In my last 66 ranked battle I only played 7 times against a person where I won more then 3 points. And in those battle I only won 34 points(7+5+4+5+4+4+5). During those battles I also lost 1 time and lost 36 points. In the new system I would have in total -2 points in rating and that with a 98,5% win rate and around 2h of time invest. Does this seams balanced?

isn't the problem here more that you do not have players of your rating to play against, rather than the rating system? i understand that this can discourage you from playing, but the system needs to accommodate for more exploitative play patterns, yes?

There are player of the same rating, but the system simply muchest you with the next player of the same league it can finds.