Splinterlands Weekly Challenge! DRAGONS - My First Experience with Dragon Splinter!

in #splinterlands3 years ago

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Hello Everyone!

I noticed this week, there was a challenge issued to use the Dragon Splinter. I am very new to this game (4 days in), so I am still learning how the various basic mechanics work, and as such never was recommended to use the Dragon Splinter. This challenge gave a unique opportunity to explore this splinter that varies from all the rest.

What is the Dragon Splinter? At first, I believed this splinter to be a higher mana cost splinter with powerful cards, limiting it to only being useful in high mana challenges or challenges requiring use of only certain splinters (or daily quest of course!). Little did I know that the Dragon splinter allows you to pair with another splinter of your choice, actually expanding your options!

Excited by this concept, I rushed in to take on a few battles. My first battle did not go well, with Drake of Arnak not helping well against an Alric Stormbringer magic based team in a poor matchup. However, my next battle was a well fought affair!

I came across a master of the death arts, @cosco. This mighty summoner appeared to be a master of the death splinter, as examining previous matchups showed this was clearly his favorite to use. Therefore, I anticipated a big melee setup would not work well, and settled upon a tough life setup with protected healing and ranged and magic damage focus.

Dragon My Team.png

@cosco did indeed choose a death focused team. However, he made a move I did not anticipate, opting to roll out... you guessed it.... Drake of Arnak!

Dragon Opponent Team.png

The matchup was ready to go!

In reviewing the matchup, Drake of Arnak was clearly a great choice for my opponent. Every enemy took at least 1 extra hit due to the extra armor, and this extending every summons life and kept his team going much longer. However, Unicorn Mustang and Wood Nymph put in a ton of work, and this simply proved too much to overcome.


This battle and the entire experience with the Dragon Splinter has opened up a brand new line of thinking. I can see that the Dragons, while more complicated to play and costly, can open up an entire new array of possible strategies! I absolutely plan on taking full advantage of this splinter as I continue to move up the ranks and acquire new cards. The Dragon Splinter alone takes the strategy of this game to a whole new level!


Hello, @jonthemyth! This is @traciyork from the @ocd (Original Content Decentralized) curation team. We noticed you shared your first post here on Hive - congratulations and welcome! It would also be awesome if you could do an introduction post, so our community can get to know you better. For an example of what an intro post is like, you can check out this one by my friend & curation team member -

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Thanks for sharing! - @ashikstd

Well done on the battlefield.

You better follow the instructions of @traciyork from the @ocd (Original Content Decentralized) curation team.