Card Market Watch #29 - What happened to Rune Arcanist?

in #splinterlands6 days ago

Once again it is time to do my weekly card market update for splinterlands.

I go through the ENTIRE card market - starting from Alpha up to the latest Rebellion promo cards!

Some cards have quietly almost disappeared from the card market, including Rune Arcanist?

Are people getting ready for survival mode? Are there any good buys out there?

What have pack prices been doing lately?

How long before Rebellion packs disappear?

All these questions I tackle in the latest episode.

Broken down into 2 parts. Part 1 is the data on assets, packs and cards and Part 2 is a card deep dive.

I hope you enjoy and let me know what you think in the comments!


Stay the course, keep on forging and have fun!!!

Part 1 - Asset, pack and card price data.

Part 2 - Card deep dive