You have a point with Quix, and you see from the card chart that people play very powerful cards with him. But the stats are still helpful if you see that your opponent plays him.
The card win rates are related to the chats as the ratio of the height of the blue bar to the sum of the two bars: blue_bar_height / (blue_bar_height+red_bar_height). I could present the data for win rate directly but its often dominated by cards with low play rates and therefore very sensitive to how large my dataset is.
With regards to Sloan, I think that he has two problems at the moment: 1: He needs to play Shieldbearer, otherwise his damage just dies of too fast. This means that he can only really play at somewhat high mana. 2: Shieldbearer is weak against magic teams, who are very popular and very good at high mana. If life still had access to Clay Golem in its base set, I think we would see quite a bit higher win rates.
Thanks for your interest! :)
Thanks for the detail! That's what I thought, but wasn't sure. It'd be cool to see that number for the cards you show, to get an idea of what win rates they're getting.
And very true on Sloan! I was trying to figure out which Alpha and Beta cards to get that fill a niche not otherwise filled (I main Death and Life), and Clay Golem was one of the few that didn't really have an equivalent newer card. I need to get some for myself and then maybe spec on it as well.