I have no Idea What's happening to the World

I am 41 years old, jobless with 3 kids (1, 4 and 12 years old). I've been looking for a job since 2014. I had a kidney failure so I had to resign. My job was just entry level because I'm stupid, that's the reality. I don't even know how to write, but I have to try hoping to earn a dollar to buy some food or things for my kids. 😭
I've been a youtuber since I lost my job but I get a very few views, I receive 100 dollar every 4-5 months from youtube. Yes, my channel is monetized.
When I heard about cryptocurrency, I then try to invest a 100 dollar but because I am stupid I lost half of it, so I have to withraw the remaining 50 dollars.
One day I read a post from google feed on my phone about Splinterlands that you can earn dollar by just playing. So I then install the Splinterlands and I was surprise because you have to pay 10 dollar for a spellbook before you can play and earn. I thought it's another scam from internet, but I have to take the risk because I don't have choice. Good thing, I have an option to charge the 10 dollar from my mobile network provider. I've been playing now for more than a week and I'm still in bronze III because again I am stupid.
Today, I am searching google how to win more battle from Splinterlands but I have found instead this blog about earning money by posting, commenting and voting from hive blog. I am happy because I already have an account from hive because of Splinterlands. So I tried to write and post this very first blog of mine. As of now, I have no idea how to vote but I think I know how to comment coz I have facebook.
If you are reading this post, maybe we already fought from Splinterlands. Whoever you are, thank you so much. I wish you become billionnaire very soon.


Hello, @karlitosgambitos


This is @fionasfavourites from the @ocd (Original Content Decentralized) curation team. We noticed you shared your first post here on Hive - congratulations and welcome! It would also be awesome if you could do an introduction post, so our community can get to know you better. For an example of what an intro post is like, you can check out this one by my friend & curation team member - Keeping Up With the Buzz – My Introduction to the Hive Community.

Speaking of community, we have many different ones here on the blockchain, devoted to all kinds of interests. Here's a link so you can check them all out – Hive Communities.

Also since you're new, you may run into an RC (Resource Credits) error when trying to comment/post because you don't yet have enough Hive in your account yet. For assistance with a temporary delegation to get you started, be sure to check out the Gift Giver site.

Also, as this the hive can be quite confusing, the newly launched Newbies Guide is a growing repository of useful – easy to understand – posts about how the Hive ecosystem works.

For now, @lovesniper will follow your account and we are looking forward to seeing your intro post. Also, you are welcome to tag me (@fionasfavourites) and please mention @lovesniper in your intro post in order for us to be notified, so we can consider your post for OCD curation. Feel free to hop into the OCD Discord server if you have any questions!

Learn the basic of games to increase your winning rate, engage in Hive communities , check the trending post(so that you get idea about how to write) and show up daily with some topic to write,you will do fine with time (r1s2g3)
Your post has been manually curated by @monster-curator Team!

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