こんにちわ Earnest Samurai JPN JPN GUILD の KENCHANです
TIME MAGE これはModernでは貴重なカードです。
これからWild/Modern フォーマットに別れますが、Modrn SilverLeagueでSlowを使えるカードは何枚あるかご存じですか?
From now on, it will be divided into Wild / Modern format, but do you know how many cards can use Slow in Modrn Silver League?
もう1枚は、UntamedのDIAMOND DRAGON
There are only these two.
また、Swiftnessを持っているのも、SUPPLY RUNNER 1枚だけです
Bronze leagueにおいてはSwiftnessはLVの関係上使えませんからTimeMageのSlowは非常に重要になってきます。
Silverleague上位で活躍する【Earnest Samurai JPN】UEYUEYもSpeedを非常に重要視してカードを選択しているとお話がありました。
In the Bronze league, Swiftness cannot be used due to LV, so Slow of Time Mage becomes very important.
In what kind of battle is Slow important? ??
Speed is very important in most Battles
Especially in the Silver league.
It was said that [Earnest Samurai JPN] UEYUEY, who is active in the upper ranks of the Silver league, also attaches great importance to Speed and selects cards.
私はGold leagueで戦っていますが、それでもTimeMageが活躍します
このバトルは、Divine shield Ruleで先に相手のShieldを剥がす必要があります。
そのため、Pelacor Arbalest(2回攻撃)をできるだけ早く攻撃させ、相手のタンクを先に落としたいと考えていました。
相手はSpeed Abilitieを入れてこなかったため、こちらのSlow&Speedの+2のSpeed有利を持つことができました。
相手はカードのLVも低かったため、Pelacor ArbalestはSpeedが1になりました
こちらのタンク:Uriel the PurifierとのSpeed差3+Flyingですから、
(Speed3×10%)+ Flying 25%=55%の回避率となります。
In this battle, you need to remove the opponent's shield first with the Divine shield Rule.
Therefore, I wanted to attack Pelacor Arbalest (double attack) as soon as possible and drop the opponent's tank first.
Since the opponent did not put in Speed Abilitie, I was able to have a Speed advantage of +2 of this Slow & Speed.
The opponent also had a low card LV, so Pelacor Arbalest now has a Speed of 1.
This tank: Speed difference from Uriel the Purifier is 3 + Flying, so
(Speed3 x 10%) + Flying 25% = 55% avoidance rate.
Due to the speed difference, it avoids while peeling off the Shield with the first strike.
Also, this attack makes almost no mistakes.
In this way, let's control Speed well according to Rule and lead to victory!
Thanks for sharing! - @marianaemilia

Well observed possible monsters with Slow skill in the modern league, you forgot about BAAKJIRA 🙂 Good battle and thanks for sharing!
Was so There was BAAKJIRA.
I have to buy the New Legendary.
The combination of Frendul and BAAKJIRA is very powerful.
Thank you for letting me know!