My entry for a challenge!In this week we have to play with lava spider,thats great because fire is my favorite splitter!i hope you will enjoy,lets get started!
Rarity: COMMON
Element: FIRE
Attack: RANGE
Abilities: Snipe
Summoner that i choosed to fight is Tarsa new summoner from chaos legion edition that gives +1physical damage and +1 health very good card
Rulesets and mana cap:
27 mana all splitters and sneak thats awesome for fire splitter
So let's began with fight recap:
My lineup:
First position:
My favorite front lane unit from fire splitter no need to introduce him to anyone
Second position:
Just a great unit with reach ability combined with tarsa can be dangerous
Third position:
Very strong card high health value and damage combined with tarsa overpowered card in my opinion
Fourth position:
Great card to assasinate enemy low health support like wooden nymph i like him a lot because of his high speed value
Last position:
Our theme monster,great speed snipe ability and high health value,and i knew my opponent dont play very often melee so i decided to snipe his wooden nymph if he played her or some strong magee from backlane
I saw my opponent didnt played that much front lane units he prefers to play magic so i decided to sneak and kill his backline at first and that worked out,and thats why i am playing lava spider in this fight!
Take a look at the battle now:
Round one:
Thats how the start of fight looks like,i think my laneup is way better than the opponents one
Round two:
My tank didnt get that hurt meanwhile i destroyed 3 of 5 opponennets from backline everything is going well!
On third round i missed all my hits into flying polygon feelisbadman :
Last round:
Need only 1 more hit into unicorn and we gucci!
All images taken from
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and peakd:
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Thanks for sharing! - @alokkumar121