Card Highlights #23: Kron the Undying
A very capable warrior with troll-like regeneration, you must kill him before he destroys your whole team. Half man, half horse who excels at combat especially when alone, this horseman simply cannot be stopped as he annihilate his opponents with his team or even by himself.

Kron the Undying is the undisputed leader of the Centauri people of Anumün. Hundreds of years ago, he discovered a great secret which allowed him to defy death as generations passed before him. He ocassionally keeps the company of the Spirit of the Forest herself, and he has picked up some impressive skills of magic through his long life. Kron is aware of the truth of Dark Energy

Rental Cost

This is very rare but I don't suggest renting Kron the Undying. Not because he's bad but rather because he's super strong that you would be addicted once you do. Once you have experienced using Kron, you'll never go back and that 22 DEC per day will drain your wallet slowly but surely.

Buy/Sell Cost

Kron the Undying's cost is high due to his usage. He's a really strong monster that can win games even alone. If you have budget to get your hands on one, then do so as it would provide a lot of gains for you in the future.

Card Stats

Kron the Undying's stats are really high that you can win with him alone. One known strategy with Kron the Undying is using Scarred Llama Mage to use Llama Mage's Last Stand ability to increase Kron's health and damage then using Kron's healing ability to survive most damage.

Card Effect
Tank Survivability is probably the most important factor in Splinterlands next to damage. Heal provides that needed survivability allowing you to survive most of the battles.

Divine Shield is a good bonus ability but not the best for Kron. Divine Shield's main advantage is that it nullifies one instance of damage regardless of the amount. With the release of the new ability called, "Giant Slayer" which provides twice damage to monsters with 10 or more health, Divine Shield on Kron The Undying disregards this damage once. That one round may be what you need to win the game. Divine Shield || The first time the Monster takes damage it is ignored.
Last Stand is a good combination with Kron the Undying's health and damage. This is proven by using Scarred Llama Mage who gives Last Stand as well as a substitute. Kron the Undying's Heal and Last Stand provides immense combination and once you get both, you can win most of the games without batting an eye. Last Stand || Gains 1.5x increased stats if it's the only Monster on the team alive.

When to use
Armored Up is a good bonus Rule Set for mages as their attacks passes through armor. This allows your mages to survive more damage while benefitting your opponent nothing.
Earthquake is normally a negative rule set for everyone except for Kron the Undying. The heal counters the damage and while it kills everyone else. || Monsters without flight ability will be hit with 2 melee damage after every round ends. Snared monsters will take 2 melee damage from earthquake per turn too.
Noxious Fumes is the same as Earthquake Rule set with the difference of that the Earthquake can be blocked by armor and Shield while Noxious Fumes hits for true. There's no reduction currently that can negate the effect except for Immunity ability to negate the debuff itself. || All monsters start the game poisoned and will take 2 damage each turn unless cleansed. Big HP and cleanse are going to be your best bet here. However there may be some cases where you ignore and go for a big offensive attack and wipe out your opponent before the poison becomes a factor. || All monsters start the game poisoned and will take 2 damage each turn unless cleansed. Big HP and cleanse are going to be your best bet here. However there may be some cases where you ignore and go for a big offensive attack and wipe out your opponent before the poison becomes a factor.

When not to use
Kron without any effect is not so bad but it's better with the ability. You still have uses with Kron's high health and damage but Kron with sustain is still the best.
Healed Out is a direct debuff to Kron eliminating any sustainability he gains from heal. There's no way around it and this rule set alone may kill Kron's effectiveness in battle. || No type of healing is allowed in the battle. So, abilities like Tank Heal, Triage, Heal are rendered useless. This de-buff cannot be removed by using Cleanse. Summoners Like Byzantine Kitty, Scarred Llama and Chanseus The Great cannot perform Heal and Cleanse either.
If you cannot use the magic user, then you cannot play it regardless of how strong or great ability he has. This is what Lost Magic Rule Set does. || Magical Monsters can't be used. Your armor will play a very important role here. Get summoner which provides armor. (Drake of Arnak, The Peakrider, Chanseus the Great, Tyrus Paladium, Lir Deepswimmer). Or maybe one that takes armor away from your opponent. (Wizard of Eastwood) And, if possible use a monster that can penetrate.

Click here to view the replay
This is the positioning I used for this battle:

This is a low mana game so I tried to have Kron the Undying battle with a supporting Failed Summoner.
Round 1

By end of Round 1, Failed Summoner dies making Kron battle alone. Mycelic Morphoid was also taken out this turn making this a 3 versus 1 battle.
Round 2

By end of Round 2, Regal Peryton still standing up in battle. Kron the Undying goes down to half health allowing him to be in danger of being bursted on the next round.
Round 3

Kron the Undying managed to sustain a round killing Regal Peryton in the process. Eliminating Regal Peryton puts a 2 health Elven Mystic to front line in the said battle.
Round 4

Kron the Undying's outstanding heal managed to sustain him enough to the final round killing Elven Mystic. Kron the Undying has 3 heal per turn while Khmer Princess has 2 damage allowing Kron the Undying to survive the damage itself.
Round 5

Game ended with the death of Khmer Princess allowing Kron the Undying to win the battle by himself.

- Battle photos are taken from Splinterlands in-game website. To view the full game, click on this link.
- I do not own any of the animated pictures. Visit Giphy to get more information.
Happy Holidays. Good luck. Have fun.