The Best Anti-Mage in THE WHOLE Splinterlands.

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Card Highlights #6: Torhilo The Frozen

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This card has good stats and is so cheap to rent that I am sure you will love it as soon as you try it.

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This massive frozen bull is one of the Frost Giant’s only friends left in the world. He has lived for hundreds of years and is growing tired, but Torhillo still charges at everything he faces with vigor.

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Rental Cost

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For being a massive tank, this card actually has decent rent. It's quite affordable and it's good for all occasions.

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Buy/Sell Cost

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The purchase cost is a bit on the steep side being a good tank overall. However, I would think this would be a good buy still even if it's on the steep side as it has a good counter when combo'ed with Bortus.

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Card Stats

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As I said, Torhilo has a good stats and is actually the main anti-tank Mage combo with water along with Bortus. His high health is good for tanking all the magic damage while the high armor is good for tanking the melee and ranged damages. He also has a high damage which means he can actually handle the enemies on his own. He's a Void version of Kraken which is also another good tank.

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Card Effect

Void || Magic damage gets halved (rounded up), except attack 1 which deals 0 damage. Last Stand || Gains x1.5, rounded up, increased stats if it's the only Monster on the team alive. Shatter || Target's armor is destroyed when hit by an attack from Monsters with Shatter.

I'm not so sure if shatter activates before inflicting damage or before. If it's after, then it's not so useful as Torhilo has low speed even at higher levels and this means he would be one of the last ones to attack. Also, unless your opponent has multiple protect, it wouldn't matter as Torhilo has high damage and would most likely destroy all shields if his attack succeeds. If it's before, like he shatters the armors then inflict damage, then Torhilo might be one of the best creatures in the entire game at higher levels.

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When to use

High mana fights. This monster requires high mana and thus using him in high mana fights is optimal. It's also best to combo Torhilo with Bortus. With Void ability, the -1 magic damage from bortus is Godsend. It's incredibly amazing and can shut off most mages when those two interacts with each other.

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When not to use

Low mana fights or Lost Magic Rule Set.. The first one is obvious. Using Torhilo in low mana is suicide. You will lose a lot of firepower and gets overwhelmed. In Lost Magic Rule Set, both you and your opponent cannot use any creatures with magic damage. Having Void ability and countering magic, it makes no sense to use it when you cannot use his ability.


Torhilo Battle.gif

Link for the battle above:

This is the positioning I used for this battle:


Torhilo the Frozen is an anti-mage tank. This was a close call. Fortunately, I used two voids and that countered the splash magic damage altogether. If Torhilo is the only one that acted as tank, I would surely lose this fight.

Round 1:

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With Torhilo positioned at the front, with Oshannus right behind, I am actually quite safe fron the magic splash damage. By end of round 1, my opponent took major damage while Torhilo having only 3 armor damage.

Round 2:

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By end of Round 2, Kraken dies from all the magic and ranged damage from my creatures. With their main melee damage gone, the next two magic damage should fall soon as well without inflicting damage to my creatures.

Round 3:

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By round 3, it's now a mirror match. My creatures, most being mages, should inflict very little to my opponent's Torhilo but they should scrape him little by little until he falls.

Round 5:

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By round 5, my Torhilo dies but he actually did his job tanking the magical damage. It's now Oshannus time to shine as my secondary off tank.

Round 7:

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By round 7, Sea Monster dies and with Kelp Initiate not dealing any damage, the game would be ending in another turn.

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Game ends in the last turn of Round 7.

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  • Battle photos are taken from Splinterlands in-game website. To view the full game, click on this link.
  • I do not own any of the animated pictures. Visit Giphy to get more information.
    Happy Holidays. Good luck. Have fun.