Hi everyone,
Here is a quick lesson for those thinking about writing a blog, remember what number you have already done lol.
Because I ended the season on Bronze 2 my rating drops to 200 for new season. I have gone thru a few season now and it’s a good and bad thing that ratings get reseted. I will go thru had things first
Bad things
1: In order to receive DEC you need to have a minimum of 400 rating and 1,000 power (Bronze 2) winning first matches will not be earn DEC
2: because the game matches you with others with similar rating your going to come across teams that you are overmatch and have no chance of winning. It’s frustrating to keep losing but try to get daily task done and call it a day there is plenty of days to raise the rating and soon you see battles that you can win.
The only good thing is that after losing you drop to a minimum rating and can never go lower that that so keep playing to get daily task done