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CARRION SHADE is a melee attacker monster in Death splinter with a flying ability at higher level.
It is very useful in low mana cap battles.
Match ruleset was simple and easy to choose randomly.
click on this highlighted word to view the battle video here
I had to use L’ament because magic monsters can’t be used, I planned to reduce my opponents range attacks. The summoner has the ability to reduce all opponents range attack by 1.
A very good Legendary monster to be used as tank. It absorbs damage in frontline. It has “shield” ability which reduces enemy monsters melee attack.
The monster in question, I didn’t actually used it, I kept it as reserve. It most useful when all melee monsters have the sneak ability.
Eventually it was killed because my opponent had a monster with “Opportunity” ability. Which attacks monsters with low health.
HALFLING Alchemist didn’t get chance to deal much damage. It was the first monster to be killed in my line up.
Halfling Alchemist ability half’s enemy monster attack.
I added Furious Chicken to be a distraction and slow enemies sneak attacks.
But it didn’t work.
However it slowed my opponents attack by 1.
My strategy did work, I already knew it would be hard to defeat Harklaw. That’s why I had to put it in frontline.
It is only good in all melee attack ruleset.
It has low health too.
I hardly use it to play, I would prefer to use “Shadowy Presence”. Shadowy has higher health.
Thanks for stopping by
See you in my next blog
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PS: All images used are subject to copyright by Splinterlands.
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the images, only used them to explain my article.
It's my first time hearing of CARRION SHADE. I guess I still have a lot to learn from you.
Your moves are always strategic and awesome. How you come up with them is what I am still trying to understand.
I have learnt a lot from your game @lemeonna
Thanks a lot. Much love😍
I’m always available to share knowledge gained so far.
Best Regards.
Much love man😍
Thanks for sharing! - @lenonmc21
Your battle was good, however, the quality of your presentation is not very good and you should improve it a lot if you want to get more rewards. The idea of a battle challenge is to explain in detail about your strategy, taking into account each card you use and the reason for its position.
I know you can improve, so I hope that in your next post you will do much better.