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RE: Modern Format & ToS Updates

in #splinterlands11 months ago

The changes sound promising, however, I must ask, will the "Wild Format" be affected with respect to rewards. The older collections instead of having more value, are diminishing, I understand the point of fair play for better competition, I like that, but, for those of us who have older collections, it all lags behind.

A third format should be created just for BOTS, and add more value to the "Wild Format", cards from older editions are more valuable due to their supply and age, but they lose value, this should be addressed in my opinion.

Are there no plans to revalue and also make the Wild Format BOTS free?


Also, I hope they start to implement an errata system like in Yugioh. The power creep in this game is insane each pack and this gives a huge power gap on old card vs the new cards.

I hope they would implement balancing system or errata system where the old cards will be increased in stats or change in abilities to be able to compete with modern cards.