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RE: A Call to Arms: Uprising in Solace

Matt specifically said he did not want players to over purchase too many packs, But here we are raising the bar even higher for the smaller players, increasing the reward chance from 200 to 250. By the time we get to the summoners forget about getting any guaranteed drops. if your going to do this consider raising it by 25 for every airdrop.


Got no Rage cards, with 62 options... what a joke...

the ods were smaller than 0.5% per chance, so not a joke but just statistics.

But fully with libertyguy's comment, they shouldnt increase the steps by 50 for each phase. 25 would be more than enough. And they should implement a limit of guaranted drops to... 50 or so per player.

You will never implement a real market in splinterlands if you continue to shove everything into whale's mouth.