Hi all,
today is the first day of the new season.
I try to go out of bronze league as fast i can because at the start of the season the rewards are much higher than EOS.
Today i struggle to reach bronze I, i don't know why but i playing against a lot of bot with Mylor or really good cards and the struggle is real!
I got Earth quest, not my favorite one so i try to ranked up before start playing Earth deck and i find that the Earth deck is not so easy to play at low elo, cost me a lot of defeat and frustration.
Today, i played 57 battles and i win 37 of them with a win streak of 5 games.
I earned 47,94 Dec and i drained my ECR at 68%, a bit to low IMO.
I got a venari heatsmith as quest reward and i'm happy for that.

Let me know if you are struggle in the first day of the season like me.
If you want to join the game click on Splinterlands and try!