We're so pleased to bring everyone such a useful feature at Cardauctionz. Every single rental you do you can get a discount! Saving DEC is earning dec and we all know how valuable DEC is.
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Here are the Exciting Features Coming Soon. We appreciate your support so we can bring these to you and more!
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With special thanks to @sicarius
Sounds really awesome!
Thanks for reading and your support!
I'm so excited to see this game grow and evolve!! And thank you for your efforts on the tournament front, you have taken a decent amount of DEC from me 🤧🤧🤧🤧🤧
keep up the great work!!! Splinterlands 224
Niiiice! I can't wait to do some rentals and bids, awesome updates! <3
for a bronzer like me who live to play on the sidelanes, this news is so deliciously nice. 😊👌👌
Ow this is incredible Marcus! Thank you and your team for providing this and many others awesome services to this growing community. Really appreciate.
Nice. New to your site but it looks great.
Might have jumped the gun and tried to do some rentals, but is there a way to sort/filter them? Can't see an option there.
It doesn't have rental management tools yet. Great things will be coming.
Gotta love hive!@anddumbcunts is downvoting your shiit too? you must be doing something rite! ;)
yeah he has been, thanks for your support unorgmilitia