How i reached level Champion I in Splinterland

in #splinterlands5 years ago (edited)


Finally I've reached the highest level on my favorite video-game, do you wanna know how I did it?


My entry in Blockchain Videogames

It all started about one year ago, when I joined Splinterlands community and I invested 50$ to start playing.
I've immediately liked this game because it's easy but really strategic; the things I appreciated most are the autoplay mode and the speed of the matches.
I've seen many clones of games as Magic the Gathering, and I really appreciated Hearthstone, but there is not such thing as Splinterlands.

After two months I've realized that this Dapp was very firm; developers constantly improved the game, players increased week after week and cards' value, or better, of this not fungible tokens, quickly increased.

The Power of an Open-source Game

Another incredible thing is that you can see cards and matches of every single player, so I've started studying the strategies of the best players to improve my deck.
Among the best players, one of my favorite is @dalz; I admire his ability to reach highest levels with cheap cards, than the average other players.

So, I decided to invest 600$ and I bought Water, Earth and Dragon decks.
Thanks to them I've easily reached Champion III level, but I wanted more, I wanted to be Champion I.
I've thought to invest in another class, then I've thought to buy other creatures in Water and Hearth classes in order to have more choices and strategies, but at the end I opted for another choice.

Which card could be the best to me? Which card could let me reach the Champion I level?
It was easy; a GREAT SUMMONER!

The options were; Prince Rennyn or Valnamor, the only Water and Earth's cards capable of transform my average monsters in SUPER MONSTERS.


I opted for Prince Rennyn, because Earth's cards seemed firmer and the ranged monsters stronger; moreover monsters with magic damage can suffer from the presence of tanks with “magic reflect”, such as Lord Arianthus.

So I followed the market for weeks, I was looking for the right opportunity to buy Prince Rennyn;
I bought my favorite summoner for only 240 $, I've never seen this kind of price for this card, I bought it without hesitating!


Why is Prince Rennin so strong?

  • Because an average summoner gives only one buff, Prince Rennin gives 3 buffs instead; it would be like add two extra levels to our monster!
  • Because, with the new rules, we have more mana to create our party; so 5 mana for a single summoner there's not many.
  • Because ranged monsters have less weak points than Melee monsters or Magic monsters.
  • Because Earth deck, in my opinion, is the most complete and versatile for every kind of scenario.
  • Because in the “mirror matches” against Earth decks, we will start with a huge advantage if our enemy hasn't Prince Rennyn.


I've played cards-games for so many years, but Not-fungible tokens and the Blockchain applied to video-games make the experience unique and you can feel part of the game, not just a player.
Moreover, Splinterlands is a great investment for me; the value of my cards has doubled in the last year!!

Splinterlands is more than just fun, but also a smart way to diversify our crypto wallet.
The feature of these tokens is to not follow the market trend; the correlation between these crypto and Bitcoin is pratically non-existent.

In 2019, during Bear market period, I've seen the value of some of my crypto currencies drop, but Splinterlands' tokens have followed another trend, they have risen in value constantly with the increase of players in the platform, ignoring what was happening to Bitcoin o other Crypto.

If you have never played Splinterlands, give it a chance and you wont regret it. 😉

You will enjoy, and you will learn the importance of not fungible tokens and their application in everyday life, not only in video-games.

I would like to thank @aggroed @yabapmatt @clove71 @isaria @carrieallen @chrisroberts and all the people who made this possible; you created a wonderful game.

With Splinterland you made me forget Magic and Hearthstone, and I never thought I'd find a game funnier than those.
You also taught me what is the Blockchain outside Bitcoin or payments, I really appreciated the importance of NFTs!

Champion I level has been reached, the next goal will be reach the top 50...

We will see on battlefield!

Happy new season to everyone

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Hey ... thanks a lot for the shout out!
Great to see you climbing the ranks :)

Thank you, I've learnt a lot watching your matches!
I never thought that cards as "Pirate Archer" and "Cyclops" could be so strong!
See you on the battlefield 😎

Haha ... cyclops is the best snipe defender.

Also congrats on the Prince Rennin, I'm a bit more in favor of the Water summoner, but those two are so close its hard to tell. See you on the battlefield, now that you are on the top :)

Great accomplishment, and you sure did your homework, which paid off well! Congrats

Nice review, and great achievement.

I guess there is little chance of getting into Champion I without one of those 5 mana legendaries.

If I come up against a Prince Rennin with a Spirit of the Forest I literally just close the window down and go do something else for five minutes before coming back, there's no point watching the battle.

I have invested in Mimosa, and she's been great for getting me into champions 1, almost 2 this season, I think the value of that summoner is going to go up, although she is expensive.

I'm with you on Earth as the most rounded splinter, but I've got into Death recently, there is something VERY satisfying about winning by hexing the fuck out of your opponent, and death is great for that, especially with Mimosa - actually that 'universal affliction' curse could well be Earth's undoing!

Thank You. 😀

I like Mimosa so much, and I regretted not having bought it when Airdrop was just finished and the price was of 6 $ at card. 😤
I thought it had very strong skills for a summoner and the cost in $ was very low compared to any other summoner, even rare, but in a couple of days its price has already doubled.

I like Death cards so much, it was my first deck.
"Lord of Darkness" is my favourite tank, and paired with "Corrupted Pegasus"
make it something of overpowered.

I believe that sooner or later I will also buy Mimosa, the Death deck is perfect for balancing the Water and the Earth and it is very very strong in scenarios with few mana.

Wow! I never knew she was that cheap! There are (or at least were by now?) several Mimosa's going for $10.80 - in fact a lot lowered before the end of season - I think Zaku and Cryptoeater got into some kind of selling price competition.

I've got my eye on that Pegasus as one to buy - I always thought the Death deck had no tank heal, then that shows up! Hmmm Dark Ha'on and that could be good too.

I have this feeling that 'affliction' and thus maybe 'cleanse' also are going to be key going forwards.

Really enjoying the game atm/!

founder ad honorem per Mary? 😂😂Direi completamente fuori portata per noi comuni mortali @mad-runner @libertycrypto27 @blumela che dite? ESDF

Lo dicevo fin dagli inizi, hai una marcia in più su quel gioco, ho comprato un bel pò di pacchetti nel tempo...alpha, beta, untamed che siano ma rimango ancora fra la oro e la diamond 😉

Devo dire che i miei trascorsi ad Heartstone e Magic hanno aiutato parecchio 🤣
Molto merito va anche alle carte potenti che ho accumulato nel tempo e al mitico Prince Rennyn.
Mi piace troppo questo gioco, magari proverò anche "Gods Unchained" ed "Emergent", ma dubito che saranno altrettanto belli e giocati da cosi tante persone quanto Splinterlands.
Il problema è che stanno uscendo troppi videogiochi Blockchain e so già che li vorrò provare tutti. Oggi ad esempio ho preso un appezzamento su "The Sandbox" e ho comprato due calciatori su Sorare. Questa Blockchain mi distrugge 🤣 Magari farò anche qualche post a riguardo così qualche gamer incallito come me cadrà nel tunnel 🤣🤣🤣 🤣 🤣

Eccomi! Full time nerd con backlog infinito 😂😂

Devo ammettere però che SplinterLands è il primo gioco di questo genere che mi ha preso così tanto, sarà per il fatto che gli asset sono effettivamente tuoi e non dei proprietari del gioco.

Ho sentito anche di Gods Unchained ma non mi sono mai preso il tempo di dargli un’occhiata, se ti capita di testarlo sono curioso di leggere qualche tua opinione a riguardo. 😊😊

Eh momento è Animal Crossing che prosciuga tutte le mie energie videoludiche 😅

Stica... io gasato per il mio Diamante3 hahaha ok torno nel mio angolino a vergognarmi!:) complimentoni alla ragazza!

Grazie :) Ma il merito va alle carte molto forti che ho preso. Mi piacerebbe molto vedere una modalità tipo Draft o cose simili, dove tutti hanno a disposizione le carte allo stesso livello e l' esito dele partite dipende solo dalle abilità dei giocatori.
Comunque anche Diamante è un traguardo di tutto rispetto.😉
anzi, considerando il rapporto tra investimento e rewards, penso che il Top siano proprio i Summoner di Livello 3-4 con cui ci si piazza a Diamante e si ottengono tanti cristalli spendendo un decimo rispetto ai summoner di livello Max

Davvero una giocatrice fuoriclasse!Decisamente fuori portata, volendo fare un paragone calcistico noi giochiamo in serie C mentre @maryincryptoland gioca in Serie A 😂 😂

Grazie mille! Anche tu non sei niente male a questo gioco , ho letto molti post che hai fatto riguardo Splinterlands.

Sono in serie A per via delle carte di livello alto, ma chissà dove sarei senza i miei draghi dopati o senza un Summoner barato 😆

Oh wow! Congratulations on getting to Champion I, you are such an awesome player! Have great battles today and stay safe and healthy out there! An upvote from SM/Splinterlands is on the way!

Thank you so much, this game taught me a lot, you can even image it.
I understood all the benefits that the Blockchain gives us in real life.
Now I am much more aware of what we can do with this new technology.
Thank You I wish You and Splinterlands all the best. 👏 👏 👏

Ciao @maryincryptoland! non sapevo giocassi a @splinterlands, complimenti per la scelta del summoner (anche il mio preferito!). Sei già sul Discord ufficiale del gioco? Altrimenti è questo

Grazie del consiglio, non uso molto discord e non ero a conoscenza del loro canale.
Sono curiosa di leggere nuovi contenuti su Splinterlands...Ciao @bafi, si gioco a Splinterlands da un anno ormai e ho fatto anche il secondo account 😅 Ho odiato Prince Rennyn troppe volte quando me lo giocavano contro, così ho deciso di farlo mio alleato.

Wow you paid $600 to play a game? That’s some commitment! Lol

I can’t even figure out how to win a match. That’s why I only played a few times years ago. I am trying again and the same problem befalls me. Sigh.

At least I know it’s possible to get better.