Admissions of a Botter: Day 3 and 4. We are killing it!

in #splinterlands2 years ago (edited)

Hello everyone, my name is Mihrk.

I started this series to showcase the average return for a small bot farm (180 bots). I know we have many positions regarding botting. Some for and some against. It is my hope that you will be able to look at my next 30 days and come to your own conclusion on botting. With that being said Let's get started. Also please enjoy this wonderful Toy Story meme!



Here is yesterdays return (day 4) and todays returns. I was gone and attended Church+several functions so am not available most Sundays. Overall it looks like everything has already picked up and we are off to a running start. Most seasons do not take off this quick usually waiting till about day 6 or 7 to pick up. I believe the change to having my bots fighting in the Modern format have made a difference.


And here is the Catch tonight, it is a good one!


As you can see the last two nights have been extremely fruitful. Especially this evening with several hours still left to go!



We post the rental here for the reward cards because they also help us with our daily income. Right now I have lowered the amount of rentals I have in order to power my main account but overall 200 Dec is not too bad.

End of Night Setup for Tomorrow

So tonight we decided to make a big change! We decided we would go ahead and try to power all of our bots in Modern all the way up to Silver 1. Why did we decide to make this change with the drastic dec costs? Well for a few reasons, I personally know that Silver 1 botting is actually pretty profitable (I used to do it with only 30 of my 100+ accounts). The reason for this is your dec rewards are 2x as large. As you can see in the previous days plus today a majority of the Dec you earn is from these drops. Second, your chance to get a legendary increases by 400%. Now to understand what that means is in bronze your chance to get a legendary is .02% chance to obtain one. In Silver it is .08%, a 4x increase! Lastly your chance to obtain a Gold Foil goes up a bit as well which is always welcome.

Now, why Silver 1 instead of 3? With the Focus point generation being substantially higher while you are in a higher league it makes sense to put all the Bots to Silver 1 to keep this generation Optimal. The other concern is the high RC costs (right after I just solved this problem! I am my own greatest enemy)

Bot Rewards at End of Day Today

As usual we still have some chest we are waiting to expire. Most of the ones left are still in bronze however it is still a good number. I really do look forward to the End of Season Rewards!


My Daily Costs

Cost per Bot

One Time:

$10 Per account
$4 dollars in Hive Power (This was $2 dollars before but has shown to be inefficient. I am doubling my investment for the second time here over the next few weeks.)
100 dec to power it

Daily as of 7/14/2022:
$0.03 per day
~70 dec per day for desired cards. This is a pretty drastic jump from before however this is due to renting all the power required to participate in Silver 1 in Modern Leagues. Some of the cost has been offset by some finetuning on my part and changing my rentals to be higher leveled cards. I am soon also looking to delegate some of my card power (up to 300k now, up 50k since starting this series. Honestly the Focus changes have been more beneficial to me than the way it was done before),

Todays Return: is $9.32

My Daily cost right now is $6 a day not including the dec to keep these bots active (we have rounded that up to about $2.00 a day. Todays return was $17.32 so it has been a profitable day. Today I was able to snag multiple legendaries and I am hoping to keep that streak going by our investment into Silver 1.

Yesterdays Return: is $2.7

Yesterday was still running on Bronze 1 cost so it equates to about $6.00

Interested in learning how to Bot?

This is a question I wanted to ask the community. I am a botter and a lot of us in this community are really a learn as you go. I am in the middle of writing a guide book for a friend on how to Bot with no technical Know how outside of getting dec (which can now be done with a Credit Card. Way to go Splinterlands Team!). If this is something you, the community is interested in let me know. Ill start throwing steps of it up too.

Check out the Previous days Returns or stay tuned for the 30 day Grand total!

Admissions of a Botter: Day 2, a Gold Foil Legendary
Admissions of a Botter: Day 1 of Season
Admissions of a Botter

About Me

I have been botting for about a year now. I have grown my Card Power from botting alone from 50k to 300k. I currently run 180 accounts daily and utilize a 3rd party Rental Service and Battler Service. I do have some proprietary Bots for reselling but at this time it is not running. I am currently learning Java and Python (some experience here). Splinterlands is my only Crypto game I participate in at this time but always looking for more.

If you enjoyed tonight's content please leave some constructive feedback. My Grammar isn't the best but I hope I conveyed what you needed to know. If it was too long or you have any questions please let me know!

View yesterdays Post Here.a


Hi! Just a quick note regarding topic-tags on Hive, hopefully this helps!

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ps love the Toy Story meme 😆