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RE: SPS Governance Proposal - Sell 2B DEC-B for DEC or Vouchers

in #splinterlands2 years ago

So in short, this means - pay now, buy later - Did I understand that correctly?
Large parts of the world will go into recession and the bear market is far from over. Is this move really helpful, or will it just cause a hangover once the hype is over?
How about working on a simple entry point and making it a fun game where you can earn but don't have to. SPS DEC and credits should be enough, the vast majority of gamers have nothing to do with Crypto and do not want it. Making a good game should be the basis and not to artificially boost the economy.
And what about the promise to tie stacking sps to rewards? Do you really want a game or just a short money making machine?
It all seems pretty fishy at the moment.