In this post I will talk about the Tenyii Striker card and how it is incredibly useful and necessary for your battles with the fire deck in Splinterlands.
Tenyii Striker is one of the cards that you can play for free in the current rotation so you won't need to spend to enjoy this amazing card, but that way you can only play it at level 1 and at higher levels it is much more powerful.
I'll start by talking about his abilities before showing his incredible strength on the battlefield.
This image shows the card in more detail and as I mentioned before at higher levels it is much more powerful, but that doesn't mean that at level 1 it won't be useful.
Its mana cost is 5 and its attack type is melee, in battle I will use the card at level 1 where it has 2 attack, 2 speed, 6 health and the ability Sneak that I will explain below better about it and also about your other abilities.
The first one that is acquired since level 1 is Sneak and this ability makes the card attack the enemy card positioned in the last position, so the Tenyii Striker is the type of card that will attack the enemy's back lines and that it is important depending on your strategy because the cards that are in the back row tend to be defeated more easily.
The second of them is Dodge which is acquired at level 4 and it makes the card increase your chances of dodging melee and ranged attacks, so it's a great abilitie so that your card doesn't take damage all the time, but if your opponent have a lot of magic attack cards then it won't be very useful.
The third and last one is Backfire which makes the card do 2 damage whenever it dodges an attack so it's a great ability to increase the damage that Tenyii Striker can do during battle and also an excellent combination for the Dodge ability.
This is a brief introduction to the usefulness of Tenyii Striker in battle but it all depends on your strategy, but as you can see it is an incredibly useful card that can do a lot of damage in a battle and also a great card to dodge attacks and leave your angry opponent.
Now let's go to the battlefield:
The first card to be selected was the summoner that for this battle is Tarsa that grants +1 melee attack and +1 life to all my cards so it will be a great choice because I have several melee cards on the field and have more life is always a good thing.
The second card to select is Living Lava that will defend in the first position and is a great defensive card because it has the Shield ability that makes it receive less damage from melee and ranged attacks.
The third card to be selected is the Tenyii Striker that has the function of attacking the enemy's back lines and also a good amount of life that will be useful to defend the first position if Living Lava is defeated, unfortunately I don't have it at the level 4 and bronze league doesn't allow it either but he would be a great defense at this level because of his evasion.
The fourth card is the Serpentine Spy which has the Opportunity ability and makes him attack the lowest health card, so he will be a great choice to take the last hit on the cards and defeat them.
The fifth card is the Scavo Firebolt which is a ranged card and its only function will be to deal damage because it has no abilities.
The sixth card is the Radiated Scorcher which is a melee card and its only function is to receive damage from cards that attack the back row like Tenyii Striker, if you don't have a card like that on the opposing team then it will only be useful when you get to the first one. position.
In battle my opponent chose a shield granting summoner and that will be a problem because all my cards are melee and ranged so it's a big disadvantage but I have good cards on the field so it's too early to declare defeat.
In the first round the shield was a big problem because my cards almost didn't damage my opponent's life but having Living Lava defending in the first position meant that I didn't suffer losses this round and the Radiated Scorcher positioned in the last position was a great choose because he is holding Silent Sha-Vi's attacks, meanwhile Tenyii Striker and Serpentine Spy are trying to break the opponent's back line.
In the second round again Living Lava and Radiated Scorcher made a great defense and now that some of my opponent's cards are without shield defense they started to be defeated thanks to Tenyii Striker and Serpentine Spy, of course I can't forget about Scavo Firebolt that is doing a lot of damage as well.
In the third round my opponent's shield was finally broken and his main defense which was Cursed Windeku was defeated but I also ended up losing Serpentine Spy because of his Thorns ability, now it's a three on two battle in my favor .
In the fourth round Living Lava didn't resist but did his duty well and now there's only one card left in my opponent's field.
In the fifth round there's not much to say because it was an attack exchange between two cards against one but my opponent's last card on the field has little life so it shouldn't resist another round.
In the sixth round after another exchange of attacks my opponent's last card was finally defeated and the outcome of this battle was in my favor with a great victory.
As you can see, Tenyii Striker is an excellent card for both offense and defense, so whenever you get the chance, use it in your battles with the fire deck.
Thanks for sharing! - @alokkumar121

graphical presentation is nice