Olá a todos, aqui quem fala é o Norseland. Agora com a nova Temporada, vemos uma grandiosa mudança em como nós jogamos, e então, fazer esse share your battle foi mais ou menos um teste que eu tive para o elemento Terra, já que não costumo ter muitas cartas dele. O escolhido foi o Venari Knifer.
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Venari Knifer
O Venari Knifer, é uma carta de custo de mana normal, seus atributos são bem fortes comparados com cartas do mesmo custo, mas comparando com outra carta do mesmo tipo, o Cursed Windeku, é bem parecido, mas a mudança é 1 de velocidade por 2 a mais de vida, e eu prefiro gostar da carta de Morte, mas essa comparação não é o principal.
Nosso amigo rato, é uma carta que eu não costumo usar por preferir composições mágicas, mas ele é útil, apesar de quê sua habilidade THORNS, não é muito interessante, pois se você vai usar o invocador Mylor Crowling, eles não se conversam bem entre si.
Esta batalha aqui vai ser da nossa análise. Como podem ver abaixo, foi uma derrota.
Foram 36 de mana, só com regra de sem Armadura, então eu pensei que seria uma boa ideia tentar uma composição de Terra com THORNS, e como sempre, todo mundo joga com magos, porquê magos é muito bom.
![Mylor Crowling_lv1.png](https://images.hive.blog/768x0/https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/norseland/23wMMd5UjfbzognkKpFmtRbZYQ3XkzNHKVBBfv9VdYgNuTK5UCLnCh2WLEQTAD9PyPHwB.png)
Essa é uma análise fácil, eu fui para Mylor e ir com uma composição de Thorns, meu oponente foi com Obsidian e uma composição de magos, então foi aquilo, dano mágico não aplica thorns, ou seja, meu invocador foi quase inútil neste jogo.
Linha de Frente
![Unicorn Mustang.png](https://images.hive.blog/768x0/https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/norseland/23wfr8drZeuVvijCj7cCgDCmbFV6WT5Y7X1eDAiYYtknKrTrjk7nBdjzcZYS1fa185QuH.png)
![Unicorn Mustang.png](https://images.hive.blog/768x0/https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/norseland/23wfr8drZeuVvijCj7cCgDCmbFV6WT5Y7X1eDAiYYtknKrTrjk7nBdjzcZYS1fa185QuH.png)
Eu trouxe um Mustang e meu oponente fez o mesmo, basicamente a minha ideia era ter um pouco de resistência mágica, mas não deu certo. Vocês sabem porquê, muito dano mágico, reduzir em 1 não faz tanta diferença, se a minha composição mesmo não tinha tanto dano.
Posição 2
![Beatrix Ironhand_lv1.png](https://images.hive.blog/768x0/https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/norseland/23w2afZ1wDfvPkiYvbQjENjaShNYzSj7MgTMZaVA9JCdrCwCs8hRQqAtKPgYULv6oRbub.png)
![Failed Summoner_lv1.png](https://images.hive.blog/768x0/https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/norseland/23wM4ovMJtotAoPrkMVNVs167ArKxUrqwCcsdpsr1kkx3g13ifm75XQhgRLT97y5wh2Eo.png)
Olha só, não quero nem falar muito, eu peguei uma Beatrix Ironhand porquê achei a carta interessante, e funcionaria bem com Thorns, mas não deu porquê é claro foi uma composição mágica. Já meu oponente trouxe um Failed Summoner, mais uma carta com o foco de destruir cartas mágicas.
Posição 3
![Goblin Psychic_lv1.png](https://images.hive.blog/768x0/https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/norseland/23u5YxCKgaimEYgEr9EHg4hwuaiE6yAB7AEmnZ4M18ZF27aVR48u98uSDeyPz97EbLHYy.png)
![Regal Peryton_lv1.png](https://images.hive.blog/768x0/https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/norseland/23vsBo4FdonDSM7xeeJCmucXjXUMicvpqTsaDutmbH2p3xfC5euvbCChbYVcu7DUbsXdv.png)
Eu trouxe um Goblin Psychic para curar meu frontline com Thorns, e ele foi uma boa escolha, mas o meu oponente trouxe o Peryton que é uma carta mágica bem legal, tem um dano baixo mas o resto dos status são bons.
Posição 4
![Khmer Princess_lv1.png](https://images.hive.blog/768x0/https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/norseland/23xARTmFBVBSkSkety86EoXdMGp2MZjBjjX46cqia9cYms2VEmFHnNaiZ6pAUVjMWTXUk.png)
![Goblin Psychic_lv1.png](https://images.hive.blog/768x0/https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/norseland/23u5YxCKgaimEYgEr9EHg4hwuaiE6yAB7AEmnZ4M18ZF27aVR48u98uSDeyPz97EbLHYy.png)
Aqui eu trouxe uma Khmer Princess pois precisava de algum dano com custo baixo de mana, já meu oponente trouxe o Goblin Psychic dele e vocês já sabem a história, eu basicamente dei nada de dano esse jogo por conta disso.
Posição 5
![Regal Peryton_lv1.png](https://images.hive.blog/768x0/https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/norseland/23vsBo4FdonDSM7xeeJCmucXjXUMicvpqTsaDutmbH2p3xfC5euvbCChbYVcu7DUbsXdv.png)
![Khmer Princess_lv1.png](https://images.hive.blog/768x0/https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/norseland/23xARTmFBVBSkSkety86EoXdMGp2MZjBjjX46cqia9cYms2VEmFHnNaiZ6pAUVjMWTXUk.png)
Basicamente trouxe um Regal porquê é uma carta boa e vice-versa, e o meu oponente é claro ia trazer mais um mago para a composição dele, agora aqui pensando, se eu tivesse trazido uma Obsidian, talvez o jogo tivesse sido diferente.
Posição 6
![Venari Knifer_lv1.png](https://images.hive.blog/768x0/https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/norseland/23uQfqj399Zsf5ZGXhtWtxFoNPZ4BLh7EBrnEQxvtDNnVQ43yznsiRTXp2Ni67FDFxySt.png)
![Mycelic Slipspawn_lv1.png](https://images.hive.blog/768x0/https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/norseland/23vsBVoSQK6o9zrafuknNZ4Yc28cpJccYruemQyLbe1x2LCmDpaxfjwwLRKSzLhTjZLAb.png)
Aqui eu puxei o próprio Venari Knifer, porquê ele era para funcionar como um escudo contra Sneak e Ambush dos meus oponentes, mas meu oponente não trouxe uma, eu fiquei triste com isso, já meu oponente, trouxe um TAUNT muito bom, que basicamente ganhou o jogo por ele.
E aí? Consegui citar bons pontos? A batalha foi interessante? Gostou de alguma coisa? Concorda comigo? Discorda? Deixe um comentário abaixo sobre o que achou, eu agradeceria o feedback! Apesar de tudo, ainda sim sou um jogador bastante iniciante, e tento faz o máximo de conteúdo com cartas básicas de nível 1.
Enfim, é isso, obrigado pela leitura e vejo vocês de novo no @Splinterlands!
Hello everyone, this is Norseland speaking. Now with the new Season, we see a huge change in how we play, and so doing this share your battle was more or less a test I had for the Earth element, as I don't usually have that many cards. The chosen one was Venari Knifer.
For more Splinterlands content don't forget to follow the C/Splinterlands and if you're interested in Splinterlands and haven't played it yet , you can start now by this link!
Venari Knifer
The Venari Knifer, is a normal mana cost card, its attributes are quite strong compared to cards of the same cost, but compared to another card of the same type, the Cursed Windeku, is quite similar, but the change is 1 speed for 2 more health, and I'd rather like the Death card, but that comparison isn't the main thing.
Our mouse friend, it's a card that I don't usually use because I prefer magical compositions, but he's useful, despite his THORNS ability, it's not very interesting, because if you're going to use the summoner Mylor Crowling, they don't talk to each other well.
This battle here will be our review. As you can see below, it was a defeat.
It was 36 mana, only with no armor rule, so I thought it would be a good idea to try an Earth comp with THORNS, and as usual, everyone plays mages, because mages are pretty good.
![Mylor Crowling_lv1.png](https://images.hive.blog/768x0/https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/norseland/23wMMd5UjfbzognkKpFmtRbZYQ3XkzNHKVBBfv9VdYgNuTK5UCLnCh2WLEQTAD9PyPHwB.png)
That's an easy analysis, I went to Mylor and went with a Thorns comp, my opponent went with Obsidian and a mage comp, so that was it, magic damage doesn't apply thorns, meaning my summoner was almost useless in this game.
![Unicorn Mustang.png](https://images.hive.blog/768x0/https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/norseland/23wfr8drZeuVvijCj7cCgDCmbFV6WT5Y7X1eDAiYYtknKrTrjk7nBdjzcZYS1fa185QuH.png)
![Unicorn Mustang.png](https://images.hive.blog/768x0/https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/norseland/23wfr8drZeuVvijCj7cCgDCmbFV6WT5Y7X1eDAiYYtknKrTrjk7nBdjzcZYS1fa185QuH.png)
I brought a Mustang and my opponent did the same, basically my idea was to have some magic resistance, but it didn't work. You know why, a lot of magic damage, reducing it by 1 doesn't make much difference, if my composition didn't have that much damage.
Position 2
![Beatrix Ironhand_lv1.png](https://images.hive.blog/768x0/https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/norseland/23w2afZ1wDfvPkiYvbQjENjaShNYzSj7MgTMZaVA9JCdrCwCs8hRQqAtKPgYULv6oRbub.png)
![Failed Summoner_lv1.png](https://images.hive.blog/768x0/https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/norseland/23wM4ovMJtotAoPrkMVNVs167ArKxUrqwCcsdpsr1kkx3g13ifm75XQhgRLT97y5wh2Eo.png)
Look, I don't even want to say too much, I took a Beatrix Ironhand because I thought the card was interesting, and it would work well with Thorns, but I didn't know why it was a magical composition. Already my opponent brought a Failed Summoner, plus a card with the focus of destroying magic cards.
Position 3
![Goblin Psychic_lv1.png](https://images.hive.blog/768x0/https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/norseland/23u5YxCKgaimEYgEr9EHg4hwuaiE6yAB7AEmnZ4M18ZF27aVR48u98uSDeyPz97EbLHYy.png)
![Regal Peryton_lv1.png](https://images.hive.blog/768x0/https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/norseland/23vsBo4FdonDSM7xeeJCmucXjXUMicvpqTsaDutmbH2p3xfC5euvbCChbYVcu7DUbsXdv.png)
I brought a Goblin Psychic to heal my frontline with Thorns, and he was a good choice, but my opponent brought Peryton which is a really cool magic card, it has low damage but the rest of the stats are good.
Position 4
![Khmer Princess_lv1.png](https://images.hive.blog/768x0/https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/norseland/23xARTmFBVBSkSkety86EoXdMGp2MZjBjjX46cqia9cYms2VEmFHnNaiZ6pAUVjMWTXUk.png)
![Goblin Psychic_lv1.png](https://images.hive.blog/768x0/https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/norseland/23u5YxCKgaimEYgEr9EHg4hwuaiE6yAB7AEmnZ4M18ZF27aVR48u98uSDeyPz97EbLHYy.png)
Here I brought a Khmer Princess because I needed some damage with low mana cost, my opponent brought his Goblin Psychic and you already know the story, I basically didn't damage this game because of that.
Position 5
![Regal Peryton_lv1.png](https://images.hive.blog/768x0/https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/norseland/23vsBo4FdonDSM7xeeJCmucXjXUMicvpqTsaDutmbH2p3xfC5euvbCChbYVcu7DUbsXdv.png)
![Khmer Princess_lv1.png](https://images.hive.blog/768x0/https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/norseland/23xARTmFBVBSkSkety86EoXdMGp2MZjBjjX46cqia9cYms2VEmFHnNaiZ6pAUVjMWTXUk.png)
Basically I brought a Regal because it's a good card and vice versa, and my opponent would of course bring another mage to his composition, now thinking, if I had brought an Obsidian, maybe the game would have been different.
Position 6
![Venari Knifer_lv1.png](https://images.hive.blog/768x0/https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/norseland/23uQfqj399Zsf5ZGXhtWtxFoNPZ4BLh7EBrnEQxvtDNnVQ43yznsiRTXp2Ni67FDFxySt.png)
![Mycelic Slipspawn_lv1.png](https://images.hive.blog/768x0/https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/norseland/23vsBVoSQK6o9zrafuknNZ4Yc28cpJccYruemQyLbe1x2LCmDpaxfjwwLRKSzLhTjZLAb.png)
Here I pulled the Venari Knifer itself, because it was supposed to work as a shield against my opponents' Sneak and Ambush, but my opponent didn't bring one, I was sad about it, my opponent, on the other hand, brought a very good TAUNT, which basically won the game for him.
What's up? Did I mention good points? Was the battle interesting? Did you like something? Do you agree with me? Disagree? Leave a comment below about what you think, I would appreciate the feedback! Despite everything, I'm still a very beginner player, and I try to make as much content as possible with basic level 1 cards.
Anyway, that's it, thanks for reading and see you again at @Splinterlands!
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nice card selection in the battle
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