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RE: DAO Proposal: Fund Guild Tournaments With DAO DEC->Guild Power

in #splinterlands9 months ago

Very cool idea.
Guilds are a huge reason that players stay involved and engaged in the game.
Doing more fun things to enhance guild gameplay can only help player satisfaction.

I think more detailed info on how this is intended to work would be helpful though.


I wanted to keep it a bit vague for now because it will be a waste of time if this proposal doesn't get passed.

I don't foresee players being able to gamify this tournament series because the top players are in Guilds where this may not benefit them much as they may already be maxed as it is.

I added a note about preventing the same winners/guilds earn rewards multiple times. I will look to make a system that helps spread out the rewards so everyone feels a little rewarded overall.

I think if you don't give details then it will cost you votes. I'm worried the rules might be super top heavy, and this will stop me from voting for it without knowing them ahead of time.